Published in 2004

Test-retest reliability of trunk accelerometric gait analysis

Henriksen, M., Lund, H., Moe-Nilssen, R., Bliddal, H. & Danneskiold-Samsøe, B., jun. 2004, I: Gait & posture. 19, 3, s. 288-97 10 s.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the test-retest reliability of a trunk accelerometric gait analysis in healthy subjects. Accelerations were measured during walking using a triaxial accelerometer mounted on the lumbar spine of the subjects. Six men and 14 women (mean age 35.2; range 18-57) underwent the same protocol on 2 consecutive days. The raw acceleration signals from six self-selected walking speeds were transformed into a horizontal-vertical coordinate system to remove unwanted variability caused by gravity. Acceleration root mean square values, cadences, step and stride lengths were then computed and interpolated using quadratic curve fits and point estimates were calculated at a standardised walking speed of 1.35 m/s. Relative reliability was determined using two models of intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC(1,1) and ICC(3,1)) to assess any systematic shifts and absolute reliability was determined using measurement error (ME). The results of the study showed high ICC values (0.77-0.96) and ME values of 0.007-0.01 g for mean acceleration; 0.009 m for step lengths; 0.022 m for stride length and 1.644 step/min for cadences. In conclusion, the method was found to be reliable and may have a definite potential in clinical gait analysis.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Gait & posture
Vol/bind 19
Udgave nummer 3
Sider (fra-til) 288-97
Antal sider 10
ISSN 0966-6362
Status Udgivet - jun. 2004

Tetracycline and macrolide co-resistance in Streptococcus pyogenes: co-selection as a reason for increase in macrolide-resistant S. pyogenes?

Nielsen, H. U. K., Hammerum, A. M., Ekelund, K., Bang, D., Pallesen, L. V. & Frimodt-Møller, N., 2004, I: Microbial drug resistance (Larchmont, N.Y.). 10, 3, s. 231-8 8 s.

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The social situation of motherless children in rural and urban areas of Guinea-Bissau

Masmas, T. N., Jensen, H., da Silva, D., Høj, L., Sandström, A. & Aaby, P., sep. 2004, I: Social science & medicine (1982). 59, 6, s. 1231-9 9 s.

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Time to treatment has little influence on myocardial salvage after AMI: A DANAMI-2 substudy

Ripa, R., Sejersten, M., Grande, P., Wagner, G. S. & Clemmensen, P., okt. 2004, I: Journal of Electrocardiology. 37, SUPPL., s. 173 1 s.

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Type 1 database mellitus: An inflammatory disease of the islet

Bergholdt, R., Heding, P., Nielsen, K., Nolsøe, R., Sparre, T., Størling, J., Nerup, J., Pociot, F. & Mandrup-Poulsen, T., 2004, I: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 552, s. 129-153 25 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

Unexpectedly high but still asymptomatic iron overload in a patient with pyruvate kinase deficiency

Andersen, F. D., d'Amore, F., Nielsen, F. C., van Solinge, W., Jensen, F. & Jensen, P. D., 2004, I: Haematologica. 5, 6, s. 543-5 3 s.

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Vitamin D insufficiency in Greenlanders on a westernized fare: ethnic differences in calcitropic hormones between Greenlanders and Danes

Rejnmark, L., Hansen, J. C., Heickendorff, L., Lauridsen, A. L., Mulvad, G., Siggaard, C., Skjoldborg, H., Sørensen, T. B., Pedersen, E. B., Mosekilde, L. & Jørgensen, M. E., mar. 2004, I: Calcified Tissue International. 74, 3, s. 255-63 9 s.

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We studied the influence of age, gender, latitude, season, diet and ethnicity on plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D 25 OHD, PTH, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, vitamin D-binding protein, bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, and osteocalcin levels in 46 Greenlanders living in Nuuk (64 degrees N) on a traditional fare (group A), 45 Greenlanders living in Nuuk on a westernized fare (group B), 54 Greenlanders (group C), and 43 Danes (Group D) living in Denmark (55 degrees N) on a westernized fare. Blood specimens were drawn both summer and winter. Vitamin D insufficiency (plasma 25 OHD <40 nmol/l) was common in all four study groups during summer (23-74%) and winter (42-81%). Compared to groups A and D, vitamin D insufficiency was significantly more frequent in groups B and C. In all groups, summer levels of 25 OHD were above winter levels. Multiple regression analysis revealed a significant effect of ethnicity. Compared to Danes, Greenlanders had higher 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels, but lower 25 OHD and PTH levels despite relatively low plasma calcium concentrations. In addition to ethnicity, 25(OH)D levels were influenced by age, season (summer > winter), and diet (a traditional Inuit diet>westernized diet). Ethnic differences exist between Greenlanders and Danes. Our results suggest that Greenlanders may have an inherent lower "set-point" for calcium-regulated PTH release or an enhanced renal 1,25(OH)(2)D production. In addition to ethnicity, age, season, and diet were important determinants of vitamin D status. Changes from a traditional to a westernized fare are associated with a reduced vitamin D status in Greenlanders. Vitamin D supplementation should be considered.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Calcified Tissue International
Vol/bind 74
Udgave nummer 3
Sider (fra-til) 255-63
Antal sider 9
ISSN 0171-967X
Status Udgivet - mar. 2004

Published in 2003

A practical guide to medical research

Bech, J., Kjeldsen, K. & Schmidt, T. A., 2003, Kbh: FADL'S FORLAG. 148 s.

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportBogForskningpeer review

Affective disorders in neurological diseases: a case register-based study

Nilsson, F. M., Kessing, L. V., Sørensen, T. M., Andersen, P. K. & Bolwig, T. G., jul. 2003, I: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 108, 1, s. 41-50 10 s.

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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the temporal relationships between a range of neurological diseases and affective disorders.

METHOD: Data derived from linkage of the Danish Psychiatric Central Register and the Danish National Hospital Register. Seven cohorts with neurological index diagnoses and two control group diagnoses were followed for up to 21 years. The incidences of affective disorders in the different groups were compared with the control groups, using competing risks to consider the risk of affective disorder and the risk of death in the same analysis.

RESULTS: We found an increased incidence of affective disorders in dementia, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, stroke and intracerebral haemorrhage compared with control groups. The association was found to be the strongest for dementia and Parkinson's disease. In hospitalized patients, with incident multiple sclerosis, the incidence of affective disorder was lower than the incidence in the control groups.

CONCLUSION: In neurological diseases there seems to be an increased incidence of affective disorders. The elevated incidence was found to be particularly high for dementia and Parkinson's disease (neurodegenerative diseases).

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
Vol/bind 108
Udgave nummer 1
Sider (fra-til) 41-50
Antal sider 10
ISSN 0001-690X
Status Udgivet - jul. 2003

Alcohol use as predictor for infertility in a representative population of Danish women

Tolstrup, J. S., Kjaer, S. K., Holst, C., Sharif, H., Munk, C., Osler, M., Schmidt, L., Andersen, A.-M. N. & Grønbaek, M., aug. 2003, I: Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. 82, 8, s. 744-9 6 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Alkohol – forebyggelse på sygehus. Fakta, Metoder og anbefalinger

Mundt, K., Jensen, M., Kann, A., Nielsen, A. S., Grønbaek, M. & Tønnesen, H., 2003, København: Clinical Unit of Health Promotion.

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportBogForskning

Originalsprog Dansk
Udgivelsessted København
Forlag Clinical Unit of Health Promotion
Status Udgivet - 2003

Assessment of patient performance of the HandiHaler compared with the metered dose inhaler four weeks after instruction

Dahl, R., Backer, V., Ollgaard, B., Gerken, F. & Kesten, S., okt. 2003, I: Respiratory medicine. 97, 10, s. 1126-33 8 s.

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Astma hos gravide

Porsbjerg, C. M. & Backer, V., 17 nov. 2003, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 165, 47, s. 4545-9 5 s.

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Autoregulation in the parathyroid glands by PTH/PTHrP receptor ligands in normal and uremic rats

Lewin, E., Garfia, B., Almaden, Y., Rodriguez, M. & Olgaard, K., jul. 2003, I: Kidney International. 64, 1, s. 63-70 8 s.

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Calcium- and proteasome-dependent degradation of the JNK scaffold protein islet-brain 1

Allaman-Pillet, N., Størling, J., Oberson, A., Roduit, R., Negri, S., Sauser, C., Nicod, P., Beckmann, J. S., Schorderet, D. F., Mandrup-Poulsen, T. & Bonny, C., 5 dec. 2003, I: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 278, 49, s. 48720-48726 7 s.

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Chronic renal failure accelerates atherogenesis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice

Bro, S., Bentzon, J. F., Falk, E., Andersen, C. B., Olgaard, K. & Nielsen, L. B., okt. 2003, I: Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN. 14, 10, s. 2466-74 9 s.

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Comparative effects of Irbesartan on ambulatory and office blood pressure: a substudy of ambulatory blood pressure from the Irbesartan in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Microalbuminuria study

Irbesartan in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Microalbuminuria Study, mar. 2003, I: Diabetes Care. 26, 3, s. 569-74 6 s.

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Diabetic nephropathy. Aspects of pathophysiology and treatment

Hansen, H. P., nov. 2003, I: Danish Medical Bulletin. 50, 4, s. 401-22 22 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

Differences in suicide between the old and the oldest old

Erlangsen, A., Bille-Brahe, U. & Jeune, B., sep. 2003, I: Journals of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 58, 5, s. S314-22

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Does caffeine and alcohol intake before pregnancy predict the occurrence of spontaneous abortion?

Tolstrup, J. S., Kjaer, S. K., Munk, C., Madsen, L. B., Ottesen, B., Bergholt, T. & Grønbaek, M., dec. 2003, I: Human Reproduction. 18, 12, s. 2704-10 7 s.

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