Published in 2008

Protein-containing nutrient supplementation following strength training enhances the effect on muscle mass, strength, and bone formation in postmenopausal women

Holm, L., Olesen, J. L., Matsumoto, K., Doi, T., Mizuno, M., Alsted, T. J., Mackey, A. L., Schwarz, P. & Kjaer, M., jul. 2008, I: Journal of Applied Physiology. 105, 1, s. 274-81 8 s.

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PURPOSE: The amount of colour Doppler activity in the inflamed synovium is used to quantify inflammatory activity. The measurements may vary due to image selection, quantification method, and point in cardiac cycle. This study investigated the test-retest reliability of ultrasound colour Doppler measurements in the wrist of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) using different selection and quantification methods.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: 14 patients with RA had their wrist scanned twice by the same investigator with an interval of 30 minutes. The images for analysis were selected either by the anatomical position only or by the anatomical position with maximum colour Doppler activity. Subsequently, the amount of colour Doppler was measured in an area defined by either the synovial tissue or by specific anatomical structures surrounding the synovial tissue.

RESULTS: The best test-retest reliability was obtained when the images were selected guided by colour Doppler and the subsequent quantification was done in an area defined by anatomical structures. With this method, the intra-class coefficient ICC (2.1) was 0.95 and the within-subject SD (SW) was 0.017, indicating good reliability. In contrast, poor test-retest reliability was found if the images were selected by anatomical position only and the quantification was done in an area defined by the synovial tissue (ICC [2.1] = 0.48 and SW = 0.049).

CONCLUSION: The study showed that colour Doppler measurements are reliable if the images for analysis are selected by anatomical position in combination with colour Doppler activity and the subsequent analysis is performed in an area defined by anatomical structures.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Ultraschall in der Medizin
Vol/bind 29
Udgave nummer 4
Sider (fra-til) 393-8
Antal sider 6
ISSN 0172-4614
Status Udgivet - aug. 2008

Registrering af praehabilitering inden planlagt operation

Tønnesen, H. & Duus, B. R., 21 apr. 2008, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 170, 17, s. 1438-9 2 s.

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Four to eight week prehabilitation programs for smokers and harmful drinkers were included in the national guidelines in 2001. In October 2007 a guarantee for surgery within one month of waiting time came into effect in Denmark. The present Danish patient administration system already contains room for registration of prehabilitation prior to surgery. Using one specific code for prehabilitation at the surgical department and another for prehabilitation at other departments will enable correct registration. Thereby, it is possible to differentiate between ordinary waiting time before surgery and time for prehabilitation.
Bidragets oversatte titel [Registration of prehabilitation prior to surgery]
Originalsprog Dansk
Tidsskrift Ugeskrift for Laeger
Vol/bind 170
Udgave nummer 17
Sider (fra-til) 1438-9
Antal sider 2
Status Udgivet - 21 apr. 2008

Risk of thyroid cancer after exposure to fertility drugs: results from a large Danish cohort study

Hannibal, C. G., Jensen, A., Sharif, H. & Kjaer, S. K., feb. 2008, I: Human Reproduction. 23, 2, s. 451-6 6 s.

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Single embryo transfer as a model for early conception and implantation

Pinborg, A. & Loft, A., 1 jan. 2008, Single Embryo Transfer. cambridge university press (cup), s. 83-92 10 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review

Splenic arteriovenous fistula treated with percutaneous transarterial embolization

Madsen, M. A., Frevert, S., Madsen, P. L. & Eiberg, J. P., nov. 2008, I: European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery. 36, 5, s. 562-4 3 s.

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Surveillance of bacterial meningitis in children under 2 y of age in Denmark, 1997-2006

Howitz, M., Hartvig Christiansen, A., Harboe, Z. B. & Mølbak, K., 2008, I: Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases. 40, 11-12, s. 881-7 7 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Svag sammenhæng mellem fysisk aktivitetsniveau hos børn og unge og fysisk aktivitet senere i livet

Pedersen, M. M., Mortensen, C., Bodilsen, C. & Jørgensen, H. L., 2008, I: Forskning i fysioterapi, netudgave.

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The chimney graft: a technique for preserving or rescuing aortic branch vessels in stent-graft sealing zones

Ohrlander, T., Sonesson, B., Ivancev, K., Resch, T., Dias, N. & Malina, M., aug. 2008, I: Journal of endovascular therapy : an official journal of the International Society of Endovascular Specialists. 15, 4, s. 427-32 6 s.

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The effects of regular strength training on telomere length in human skeletal muscle

Kadi, F., Ponsot, E., Piehl-Aulin, K., Mackey, A., Kjaer, M., Oskarsson, E. & Holm, L., jan. 2008, I: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 40, 1, s. 82-7 6 s.

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Total arterial coronary revascularization - Single or double inlet system?

Irmukhamedov, A., Christensen, J. B., Fabrin, A. K., Tan, P. & Schmidt, T. A., 2008, I: Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 24, 1, s. 1-4 4 s.

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Treatment and evaluation of patients with acute exacerbation of asthma before and during a visit to the ER in Denmark

Backer, V., Harving, H., Søes-Petersen, U., Ulrik, C. S., Plaschke, P. & Lange, P., jan. 2008, I: The clinical respiratory journal. 2, 1, s. 54-9 6 s.

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Treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma: the past, present, and future

Evens, A. M., Hutchings, M. & Diehl, V., sep. 2008, I: Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology. 5, 9, s. 543-56 14 s.

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Type-specific HPV infection and multiple HPV types: prevalence and risk factor profile in nearly 12,000 younger and older Danish women

Nielsen, A., Kjaer, S. K., Munk, C. & Iftner, T., mar. 2008, I: Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 35, 3, s. 276-82 7 s.

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Walk-in ambulant lungefunktionsservice for rygere i København--etårsopgørelse

Backer, V., Bolton, S., Ehlers, H. D., Thomsen, S., Pedersen, L., Porsbjerg, C., Lund, T., Harmsen, L. & Fuglsang, C., 25 aug. 2008, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 170, 35, s. 2682-5 4 s.

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Women's experiences with cardiac rehabilitation: participation and non-participation

Schou, L., Jensen, B. Ø., Zwisler, A-D. O. & Wagner, L., 2008, I: Nordic Journal of Nursing Research. 28, 4

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Work injuries among drivers in the goods-transport branch in Denmark

Shibuya, H., Cleal, B. & Mikkelsen, K. L., maj 2008, I: American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 51, 5, s. 364-371 8 s.

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