Published in 2007

Pharmaceutical treatment of asthma symptoms in elite athletes - doping or therapy?

Backer, V., Lund, T. & Pedersen, L., dec. 2007, I: Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports. 17, 6, s. 615-22 8 s.

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Photic induction of c-Fos in enkephalin neurons of the rat intergeniculate leaflet innervated by retinal PACAP fibres

Juhl, F., Hannibal, J. & Fahrenkrug, J., sep. 2007, I: Cell and Tissue Research. 329, 3, s. 491-502 12 s.

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Physician-related barriers to cancer pain management with opioid analgesics: a systematic review

Jacobsen, R., Sjøgren, P., Møldrup, C. & Christrup, L., 2007, I: Journal of Opioid Management. 3, 4, s. 207-14 8 s.

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Primær ovariecancer. En sammenligning af registreringer i Cancerregisteret og Patologidatabanken

Kjaerbye-Thygesen, A., Huusom, L. D., Frederiksen, K., Kjaer, S. K. & Danish Cancer Registry and the Pathology Data Bank, 1 jan. 2007, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 169, 1, s. 50-4 5 s.

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Propofol increased the interleukin-6 to interleukin-10 ratio more than isoflurane after surgery in long-term alcoholic patients

Von Dossow, V., Baur, S., Sander, M., Tønnesen, H., Marks, C., Paschen, C., Berger, G. & Spies, C. D., 2007, I: Journal of International Medical Research. 35, 3, s. 395-405 11 s.

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This study investigated the effect of an anaesthetic regimen on the immune response in 40 long-term alcoholic patients undergoing surgery. Patients were randomly allocated to receive either propofol or isoflurane during surgery. Plasma cytokines interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-10 were measured at defined times and rates of post-operative infections were documented. The IL-6/IL-10 ratio significantly increased with propofol compared with isoflurane on day 1 after surgery and the IL-10 level significantly increased with isoflurane on day 1 after surgery. The overall post-operative infection rate was significantly higher in isoflurane-treated patients. Our findings indicate that propofol anaesthesia might be the more favourable regimen, with the IL-6/IL-10 ratio indicating an attenuation of the immune imbalance after surgery in long-term alcoholic patients. These results support the undertaking of a properly powered clinical trial to determine if propofol anaesthesia can reduce the postoperative infection rate in this special patient population.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Journal of International Medical Research
Vol/bind 35
Udgave nummer 3
Sider (fra-til) 395-405
Antal sider 11
ISSN 0300-0605
Status Udgivet - 2007

Pseudomonas aeruginosa cupA-encoded fimbriae expression is regulated by a GGDEF and EAL domain-dependent modulation of the intracellular level of cyclic diguanylate

Meissner, A., Wild, V., Simm, R., Rohde, M., Erck, C., Bredenbruch, F., Morr, M., Römling, U. & Häussler, S., okt. 2007, I: Environmental Microbiology. 9, 10, s. 2475-85 11 s.

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Relationships of uterine and ovarian tumors to pre-existing chronic conditions

Brinton, L. A., Sakoda, L. C., Frederiksen, K., Sherman, M. E., Kjaer, S. K., Graubard, B. I., Olsen, J. H. & Mellemkjaer, L., dec. 2007, I: Gynecologic Oncology. 107, 3, s. 487-94 8 s.

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Reliability and normative values of the foot line test: a technique to assess foot posture

Brushøj, C., Larsen, K., Nielsen, MB. & Hölmich, P. 2007 I : Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. 37, 11, s. 703-7

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STUDY DESIGN: Test-retest reliability. OBJECTIVE: To examine the reliability and report normative values of a novel test, the foot line test (FLT), to describe foot morphology. BACKGROUND: Numerous foot examinations are performed each day, but most existing examination techniques have considerable limitations regarding reliability and validity. METHODS: One hundred thirty subjects with mean foot size 44 (41-50 European size) participated. Two examiners, blinded to each other's measurements, measured the right foot of the subjects twice and the left foot once. The position of the most medial aspect of the navicular in the mediolateral direction was projected vertically onto a piece of paper placed under the subject's foot, and compared to the position of the forefoot and hindfoot to obtain the FLT value. RESULTS: FLT values ranged from -8 to 14 mm, with a mean (+/-SD) of 3.7 +/- 3.4 mm. The intratester reproducibility reported by SEM was 0.8 mm for tester 1 and 0.9 mm for tester 2, while intertester SEM was 1.4 mm for the right foot and 1.3 mm for the left foot. The intrarater ICC was 0.95 for tester 1 and 0.94 for tester 2, while the interrater ICC was 0.86 (left foot) and 0.83 (right foot). There was no significant association between foot size and FLT values. CONCLUSION: The FLT is a reproducible technique to assess foot posture.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy
Vol/bind 37
Tidsskriftsnummer 11
Sider (fra-til) 703-7
ISSN 0190-6011
Status Udgivet - 2007

Response to mannitol in asymptomatic subjects with airway hyper-responsiveness to methacholine

Porsbjerg, C., Rasmussen, L., Thomsen, S. F., Brannan, J. D., Anderson, S. D. & Backer, V., jan. 2007, I: Clinical and experimental allergy : journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 37, 1, s. 22-8 7 s.

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Risk for breast cancer among women with endometriosis

Bertelsen, L., Mellemkjaer, L., Frederiksen, K., Kjaer, S. K., Brinton, L. A., Sakoda, L. C., van Valkengoed, I. & Olsen, J. H., 15 mar. 2007, I: International Journal of Cancer. 120, 6, s. 1372-5 4 s.

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Status over klinisk anvendte prognostiske og prædiktive faktorer ved allokering til systemisk behandling efter primaer cancer mammae

Knoop, A. S. & Rasmussen, B. B., 3 sep. 2007, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 169, 36, s. 2997-9 3 s.

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Teenagernes egen alkoholforebyggelse: En etnografisk undersøgelse - Sekundærpublikation

Jørgensen, M. H., Curtis, T., Christensen, P. H. & Grønbæk, M. N., 8 okt. 2007, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 169, 41, s. 3495-3497 3 s.

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Based on ethnographic research with 13-16-year-olds in a rural Danish community the article reports on strategies of harm minimization employed by teenage drinkers. Participating teenagers were more concerned about social than health risks. They preferred drinking in the company of peers whom they knew and trusted, and they helped each other to minimize harm. Hence, teenage peer groups may be considered a resource for health promotion.

Bidragets oversatte titel Ethnographic research on strategies of harm minimization employed by teenage drinkers
Originalsprog Dansk
Tidsskrift Ugeskrift for Laeger
Vol/bind 169
Udgave nummer 41
Sider (fra-til) 3495-3497
Antal sider 3
ISSN 0041-5782
Status Udgivet - 8 okt. 2007

Temporal decline in the prognostic impact of a recurrent acute myocardial infarction 1985 to 2002

Buch, P., Rasmussen, S., Gislason, G. H., Rasmussen, J. N., Køber, L., Gadsbøll, N., Stender, S., Madsen, M., Torp-Pedersen, C. & Abildstrom, S. Z., feb. 2007, I: Heart. 93, 2, s. 210-215 6 s.

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The burden of genital warts: a study of nearly 70,000 women from the general female population in the 4 Nordic countries

Kjaer, S. K., Tran, T. N., Sparen, P., Tryggvadottir, L., Munk, C., Dasbach, E., Liaw, K.-L., Nygård, J. & Nygård, M., 15 nov. 2007, I: The Journal of infectious diseases. 196, 10, s. 1447-54 8 s.

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The influence of anti-inflammatory medication on exercise-induced myogenic precursor cell responses in humans

Mackey, A. L., Kjaer, M., Dandanell, S., Mikkelsen, K. H., Holm, L., Døssing, S., Kadi, F., Koskinen, S. O., Jensen, C. H., Schrøder, H. D. & Langberg, H., aug. 2007, I: Journal of Applied Physiology. 103, 2, s. 425-31 7 s.

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The influence of parity and smoking in the social environment on tobacco consumption among daily smoking women in Denmark

Mueller, L. L., Munk, C., Thomsen, B. L., Frederiksen, K. & Kjaer, S. K., 2007, I: European addiction research. 13, 3, s. 177-84 8 s.

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To compare the efficacy of adalimumab, etanercept, and infliximab in patients with established rheumatoid arthritis (RA) taking concomitant methotrexate (MTX) by calculating the number needed to treat (NNT) using three different methods.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology
Vol/bind 36
Udgave nummer 6
Sider (fra-til) 411-7
Antal sider 7
ISSN 0300-9742
Status Udgivet - 2007

UNLABELLED: The sensitivity of ultrasound Doppler has now reached a level at which perfusion can be detected even in normal, resting musculoskeletal tissues. To be able to distinguish normal from abnormal flow, the resistive index (RI) determined by spectral Doppler may be of value. Inflammation is associated with low RI values and a value of 1.00 is normal.

PURPOSE: In tissues with no detectable flow, it has been assumed that RI may be defined as 1.00. This study was performed to test if normal tendinous vessels could be visualised with a contrast agent, and if such vessels had normal RI.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ultrasound (US) was performed with a 14 MHz linear transducer. 22 asymptomatic tendons in 12 subjects were scanned, and only 5 ultrasonically normal tendons in 5 subjects were identified. In these 5 normal tendons, SonoVue was used to make vessels visible. The Achilles tendons and the peritendinous tissues were evaluated clinically.

RESULTS: In all 5 ultrasonically normal tendons, arteries could be detected with Doppler after contrast injection and in all cases with normal RI values. All vessels were located in the mid-portion of the tendon. 18 tendons were categorised as normal by the clinician.

CONCLUSION: After administration of a contrast agent, all Achilles tendons could be demonstrated to have arteries present in the mid-portion. The flow profile of these arteries was fully normal without diastolic component and with an RI of 1.00. This finding has implications for criteria of normality of tendons, which cannot be based exclusively on the presence or absence of Doppler activity. The majority of the tendons in this study had ultrasound abnormalities both on gray-scale and colour Doppler. It can be speculated that the abnormalities may be age-related degenerative changes and that age-stratified normal materials are needed to define normality. There was no consistency between US and clinical diagnosis.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Ultraschall in der Medizin
Vol/bind 28
Udgave nummer 1
Sider (fra-til) 52-6
Antal sider 5
ISSN 0172-4614
Status Udgivet - feb. 2007

Unguided clinical and actuarial assessment of re-offending risk: A direct comparison with sex offenders in Denmark

Bengtson, S. & Långström, N., jun. 2007, I: Sexual Abuse: Journal of Research and Treatment. 19, 2, s. 135-153 19 s.

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