Published in 2024

A Comparative Study of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Views for Two Different Self-Expanding Aortic Valves

Bajoras, V., Wong, I., Wang, X., Čerlinskaitė-Bajorė, K., Bieliauskas, G. & De Backer, O., 2024, (Accepteret/In press) I: Structural Heart. 100281.

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A comparison of the rates of clock-based nocturnal hypoglycemia and hypoglycemia whilst asleep among people living with diabetes: findings from the Hypo-METRICS study

Martine-Edith, G., Divilly, P., Zaremba, N., Søholm, U., Broadley, M., Baumann, P. M., Mahmoudi, Z., Gomes, M., Ali, N., Abbink, E. J., de Galan, B. E., Brøsen, J. M. B., Pedersen-Bjergaard, U., Vaag, A. A., McCrimmon, R., Renard, E., Heller, S., Evans, M., Cigler, M., Mader, J. K., & 4 flereSpeight, J., Pouwer, F., Amiel, S. & Choudhary, P., 22 feb. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics.

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A comparison of the safety and effectiveness of insulin aspart with other bolus insulins in women with pre-existing Type 1 diabetes during pregnancy: A post hoc analysis of a prospective cohort study

Mathiesen, E. R., Alibegovic, A. C., Anil, G., Dunne, F., Halasa, T., Ivanišević, M., McCance, D. R., Nordsborg, R. B., Damm, P. & EVOLVE study group, 8 aug. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association. s. e15411

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A composite immune and vascular stress marker in patients newly diagnosed with bipolar disorder and their unaffected first-degree relatives

Coello, K., Holstad Pedersen, H., Munkholm, K., Lie Kjærstad, H., Stanislaus, S., Rye Ostrowski, S., Faurholt-Jepsen, M., Miskowiak, K. W., Frikke-Schmidt, R., Vinberg, M., Thorn Ekstrøm, C., Lyng Forman, J. & Vedel Kessing, L., 19 mar. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 118, s. 449-458 10 s.

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A comprehensive analysis of age of onset and cumulative incidence of mental disorders: A Danish register study

Beck, C., Pedersen, C. B., Plana-Ripoll, O., Dalsgaard, S., Debost, J.-C. P., Laursen, T. M., Musliner, K. L., Mortensen, P. B., Pedersen, M. G., Petersen, L. V., Yilmaz, Z., McGrath, J. & Agerbo, E., jun. 2024, I: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 149, 6, s. 467-478 12 s.

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A concept for improving fluid balance monitoring during hospitalisation

Rasmussen, A. V., Nissen, K. J., Konradsen, H. & Deininger, M., 2024, I: Nordisk Sygeplejeforskning. 14, 1, 8 s.

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A Concert-Based Study on Melodic Contour Identification among Varied Hearing Profiles-A Preliminary Report

Paisa, R., Andersen, J., Ganis, F., Percy-Smith, L. M. & Serafin, S., 27 maj 2024, I: Journal of Clinical Medicine. 13, 11

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A Cross-Sectional Study Investigating Associations between Personality Traits, Glycemic Control, and BMI in Persons with Diabetes: Lolland-Falster Health Study, Denmark

Pedersen, Z. O., Ewers, B., Wimmelmann, C. L., Kofoed-Enevoldsen, A., Køster-Rasmussen, R., Couppé, C., Simonsen, E. & Dammeyer, J., 18 sep. 2024, I: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 21, 9

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A cross-sectional study of the association between food literacy and dietary intake among Danish adolescents

Müllertz, A. L. O., Stjernqvist, N. W., Outzen, M. H., Bloch, P., Elsborg, P. & Ravn-Haren, G., 25 maj 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Appetite. 200, s. 107526

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A cross-sectional study on the impact of educational status on physical activity level in Danish and English adults with type 1 diabetes

Elton Sander, S., Johansen, R. F., Caunt, S., Søndergaard, E., Rolver, M. G., Sandbæk, A., Heller, S., Kristensen, P. L. & Molsted, S., 11 jan. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Canadian Journal of Diabetes.

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A Deep Learning Approach for Accurate Discrimination Between Optic Disc Drusen and Papilledema on Fundus Photographs

Sathianvichitr, K., Najjar, R. P., Zhiqun, T., Fraser, J. A., Yau, C. W. L., Girard, M. J. A., Costello, F., Lin, M. Y., Lagrèze, W. A., Vignal-Clermont, C., Fraser, C. L., Hamann, S., Newman, N. J., Biousse, V., Milea, D. & BONSAI Group, 2 aug. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society.

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A deep transfer learning approach for sleep stage classification and sleep apnea detection using wrist-worn consumer sleep technologies

Olsen, M., Zeitzer, J. M., Nakase-Richardson, R., Musgrave, V. H., Sorensen, H. B. D., Mignot, E. & Jennum, P. J., 18 mar. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering. PP

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A disease-specific therapy in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy

Voermans, N. & Vissing, J., maj 2024, I: The Lancet Neurology. 23, 5, s. 449-451 3 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftKommentar/debatForskningpeer review

A first-in-human clinical study investigating the safety and tolerability of stabilized hypochlorous acid in patients with chronic leg ulcers

Fazli, M. M., Kirketerp-Møller, K., Sonne, D. P., Balchen, T., Gundersen, G., Jørgensen, E. & Bjarnsholt, T., 23 maj 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Advances in Wound Care.

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A genetic association study of circulating coagulation Factor VIII and von Willebrand Factor levels

de Vries, P. S., Reventun, P., Brown, M. R., Heath, A. S., Huffman, J. E., Le, N-Q., Bebo, A., Brody, J. A., Temprano-Sagrera, G., Raffield, L. M., Ozel, A. B., Thibord, F., Jain, D., Lewis, J. P., Rodriguez, B. A. T., Pankratz, N., Taylor, K. D., Polasek, O., Chen, M-H., Yanek, L. R., & 75 flereCarrasquilla, G. D., Marioni, R., Kleber, M. E., Trégouët, D-A., Yao, J., Li-Gao, R., Joshi, P. K., Trompet, S., Martinez-Perez, A., Ghanbari, M., Howard, T. E., Reiner, A. P., Arvanitis, M., Ryan, K. A., Bartz, T. M., Rudan, I., Faraday, N., Linneberg, A., Ekunwe, L., Davies, G., Delgado, G. E., Suchon, P., Guo, X., Rosendaal, F. R., Klaric, L., Noordam, R., van Rooij, F., Curran, J. E., Wheeler, M. M., Osburn, W. O., O'Connell, J. R., Boerwinkle, E., Beswick, A., Psaty, B. M., Kolcic, I., Souto, J. C., Becker, L. C., Hansen, T., Doyle, M. F., Harris, S. E., Moissl, A. P., Deleuze, J-F., Rich, S. S., van Hylckama Vlieg, A., Campbell, H., Stott, D. J., Soria, J. M., de Maat, M. P. M., Almasy, L., Brody, L. C., Auer, P. L., Mitchell, B. D., Ben-Shlomo, Y., Fornage, M., Hayward, C., Mathias, R. A., Kilpeläinen, T. O., Lange, L. A., Cox, S. R., März, W., Morange, P-E., Rotter, J. I., Mook-Kanamori, D. O., Wilson, J. F., van der Harst, P., Jukema, J. W., Ikram, M. A., Blangero, J., Kooperberg, C., Desch, K. C., Johnson, A. D., Sabater-Lleal, M., Lowenstein, C. J., Smith, N. L. & Morrison, A. C., 6 feb. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Blood.

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A genome-wide association study of social trust in 33,882 Danish blood donors

Sequeros, C. B., Hansen, T. F., Westergaard, D., Louloudis, I., Kalamajski, S., Röder, T., Rohde, P. D., Schwinn, M., Clemmensen, L. H., Didriksen, M., Nyegaard, M., Hjalgrim, H., Nielsen, K. R., Bruun, M. T., Ostrowski, S. R., Erikstrup, C., Mikkelsen, S., Sørensen, E., Pedersen, O. B. V., Brunak, S., & 16 flereBanasik, K., Giordano, G. N., DBDS Genomic Consortium, Chalmer, M. A., Didriksen, M., Dowsett, J., Feenstra, B., Geller, F., Hjalgrim, H., Jacobsen, R. L., Kogelman, L., Larsen, M. A. H., Mikkelsen, C., Schwinn, M., Thørner, L. W. & Westergaard, D., 16 jan. 2024, I: Scientific Reports. 14, 1, s. 1402

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A Genome-wide Association Study Reveals a Novel Susceptibility Locus for Pancreas Divisum at 3q29

Gaitanidis, A., Christensen, M. A., Breen, K. A., Kambadakone, A. R., Joshipura, N. D., Fernandez-Del Castillo, C., Hernandez-Barco, Y. G., Kaafarani, H. M. A., Velmahos, G. C., Farhat, M. R. & Fagenholz, P. J., 10 okt. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: The Journal of surgical research. 303, s. 287-294 8 s.

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A Gently Processed Skim Milk-Derived Whey Protein Concentrate for Infant Formula: Effects on Gut Development and Immunity in Preterm Pigs

Aasmul-Olsen, K., Akıllıoğlu, H. G., Christiansen, L. I., Engholm-Keller, K., Brunse, A., Stefanova, D. V., Bjørnshave, A., Bechshøft, M. R., Skovgaard, K., Thymann, T., Sangild, P. T., Lund, M. N. & Bering, S. B., 22 feb. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. s. e2300458

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