Published in 1996

Postoperative thromboembolism after day-case herniorrhaphy

Riber, C., Alstrup, N., Nymann, T., Bogstad, J. W., Wille-Jørgensen, P. & Tønnesen, H., 1996, I: British journal of surgery. 83

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Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift British journal of surgery
Vol/bind 83
Status Udgivet - 1996

Reproducibility of PET activation studies: lessons from a multi-center European experiment. EU concerted action on functional imaging

Poline, J. B., Vandenberghe, R., Holmes, A. P., Friston, K. J., Frackowiak, R. S. & Paulson, O. B. (Medlem af forfattergruppering), aug. 1996, I: NeuroImage. 4, 1, s. 34-54 21 s.

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Risk factors for development of asthma in children and adolescents: findings from a longitudinal population study

Ulrik, C. S., Backer, V., Hesse, B. & Dirksen, A., nov. 1996, I: Respiratory medicine. 90, 10, s. 623-30 8 s.

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Serum YKL-40 levels in healthy children and adults. Comparison with serum and synovial fluid levels of YKL-40 in patients with osteoarthritis or trauma of the knee joint

Johansen, J. S., Hvolris, J., Hansen, M., Backer, V., Lorenzen, I. & Price, P. A., jun. 1996, I: British Journal of Rheumatology. 35, 6, s. 553-9 7 s.

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Subcutaneous oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions during head-up tilt-induced central hypovolaemia in humans

Larsen, P. N., Moesgaard, F., Madsen, P., Pedersen, M. & Secher, N. H., 1996, I: Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation. 56, 1, s. 17-24 8 s.

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Torakal elektrisk impedans og væskebalance ved operationer på aorta

Jónsson, F., Madsen, P., Jørgensen, L. G., Lunding, M. & Secher, N. H., 1996, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 158, 44, s. 6256-6259 4 s.

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Udviklingen i stillinger på de kirurgiske afdelinger i perioden 1.4.1993-1.7.1995

Ovesen, H., Tønnesen, H., Kromann-Andersen, B., Bentsen, H. H., Helligsø, P. & Thind, P., 1996, I: Ugeskr Laeger. 158

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Originalsprog Dansk
Tidsskrift Ugeskr Laeger
Vol/bind 158
ISSN 0041-5782
Status Udgivet - 1996

Published in 1995

Acute meningitis of unknown aetiology: analysis of 219 cases admitted to hospital between 1977 and 1990

Andersen, J., Backer, V., Jensen, E., Voldsgaard, P. & Wandall, J. H., sep. 1995, I: Journal of Infection. 31, 2, s. 115-22 8 s.

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Arterial diameter during central volume depletion in humans

Iversen, H. K., Madsen, P., Matzen, S. & Secher, N. H., jan. 1995, I: European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology. 72, 1, s. 165-169 5 s.

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Behandling af højt blodtryk hos patienter med akut apopleksi

Olsen, T. S., Jørgensen, H. S., Garde, E. & Lassen, N. A. 19 jun 1995 I : Ugeskrift for Laeger. 157, 25, s. 3623-5 3 s.

Publikation: Forskning - peer reviewTidsskriftartikel

The study was performed to investigate how often reduction of high blood pressure (> or = 220 mmHg systolic and or > or = 120 mmHg diastolic) was attempted in patients with acute stroke or transient ischemic attacks (TIA). Of 1351 consecutive patients with acute stroke or TIA 119 had high blood pressure on admission. In 15 patients the stroke was so severe that treatment was not considered. In the remaining 104 patients reduction of the blood pressure was attempted in 28 (27%); in 23 patients immediately following admission. None of the patients had symptoms or signs of hypertensive encephalopathy. It is concluded that reduction of high blood pressure in patients with stroke or TIA is attempted too often. As autoregulation is commonly impaired in acute stroke, reduction of systemic blood pressure may enhance ischaemic tissue damage. Reduction of blood pressure in acute stroke should be considered only in case of hypertensive encephalopathy.
Originalsprog Dansk
Tidsskrift Ugeskrift for Laeger
Udgivelsesdato 19 jun 1995
Vol/bind 157
Tidsskriftsnummer 25
Sider 3623-5
Antal sider 3
ISSN 0041-5782
Status Udgivet

Blodtryksnedsaettelse kan forvaerre symptomerne ved akut apopleksi

Garde, E., Jørgensen, H. S., Olsen, T. S. & Lassen, N. A. 19 jun 1995 I : Ugeskrift for Laeger. 157, 25, s. 3630-1 2 s.

Publikation: Forskning - peer reviewTidsskriftartikel

Patients with acute stroke often present with high blood pressure (BP) on hospital admission. Because hypertension is a risk factor for stroke, and because severe BP elevation may increase oedema and the risk of haemorrhage, acute antihypertensive therapy might seem reasonable. On the other hand, the increase in BP in the acute stage might be considered a beneficial pathophysiological response maintaining the perfusion pressure to the ischaemic area and, in particular, the surrounding penumbra. As illustrated in the case presented here, lowering the BP in the early stage may be associated with progression of neurological deficits, very likely due to a reduction of perfusion to the penumbra thus enlarging the infarct.
Originalsprog Dansk
Tidsskrift Ugeskrift for Laeger
Udgivelsesdato 19 jun 1995
Vol/bind 157
Tidsskriftsnummer 25
Sider 3630-1
Antal sider 2
ISSN 0041-5782
Status Udgivet

Brain and muscle oxygen saturation during head‐up‐tilt‐induced central hypovolemia in humans

Madsen, P., Lyck, F., Pedersen, M., Olesen, H. L., Nielsen, H. B. & Secher, N. H., sep. 1995, I: Clinical Physiology. 15, 5, s. 523-533 11 s.

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Bronchial hyperresponsiveness in children and adolescents

Backer, V., nov. 1995, I: Danish Medical Journal. 42, 5, s. 397-409 13 s.

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Divergent human papillomavirus type 16 variants are serologically cross-reactive

Cheng, G., Icenogle, J. P., Kirnbauer, R., Hubbert, N. L., St Louis, M. E., Han, C., Svare, E. I., Kjaer, S. K., Lowy, D. R. & Schiller, J. T., dec. 1995, I: The Journal of infectious diseases. 172, 6, s. 1584-7 4 s.

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Falling incidence of penis cancer in an uncircumcised population (Denmark 1943-90)

Frisch, M., Friis, S., Kjaer, S. K. & Melbye, M., 2 dec. 1995, I: BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 311, 7018, s. 1471

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Naloxone-provoked vaso-vagal response to head-up tilt in men

Madsen, P., Olesen, H. L., Secher, N. H. & Klokker, M., mar. 1995, I: European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology. 70, 3, s. 246-251 6 s.

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Ojenskader ved hobbyarbejde med maskinelt håndvaerktøj

Hölmich, L. R., Hölmich, P. & Lohmann, M. 10 apr. 1995 I : Ugeskrift for laeger. 157, 15, s. 2131-4 4 s.

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Data from the EU-project EHLASS (European Home and Leisure Accident Surveillance System) collected from five Danish hospitals during the period 1989-1991 contained 185,551 accidents occurring at home and during leisure time. The population in the catchment area is approximately 700,000. Of these accidents, 9900 involved eye-injury, 2940 of these occurred during hobby-activities, and 1460 of these while the subject was using either drilling-, welding- or grinding-equipment. The incidence of eye-injuries occurring during the use of these machines has risen from 0.6/1000/year in 1989 to 0.7/1000/year in 1990 and to 0.8/1000/year in 1991. In 98% of the cases the patients were men, 30% were between 20 and 29 years of age. A common activity at the time of the accident was "car-repairing". Foreign-body-lesions were seen in 60% of the cases, and actinic conjunctivitis in 30%. None of the injuries were serious, but they were often very painful and demanding of resources. All the injuries could have been avoided by the use of proper eye protection.

Originalsprog Dansk
Tidsskrift Ugeskrift for laeger
Vol/bind 157
Tidsskriftsnummer 15
Sider (fra-til) 2131-4
Antal sider 4
ISSN 0041-5782
Status Udgivet - 10 apr. 1995

Persistent reduction in lung function after Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in AIDS patients

Nelsing, S., Jensen, B. N. & Backer, V., 1995, I: Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases. 27, 4, s. 351-5 5 s.

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