Published in 1989

HPV-infektion og livmoderhalskraeft

Bock, J., Jensen, O. M., Kjaer, S. K., Lynge, E., Melbye, M. & Norrild, B., 16 jan. 1989, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 151, 3, s. 182-3 2 s.

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Incidence, prevalence and time trends of genital HPV infection determined by clinical examination and cytology

Kjaer, S. K. & Lynge, E., 1989, I: IARC scientific publications. 94, s. 113-24 12 s.

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Menstrual disturbances and fertility in chronic alcoholic women

Becker, U., Tønnesen, H., Kaas-Claesson, N. & Gluud, C., aug. 1989, I: Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 24, 1, s. 75-82 8 s.

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Data on menstrual pattern, gynecological disorders and infertility were obtained from 51 chronic alcoholic women aged 20--42 years attending an outpatient clinic for alcoholics, using 51 randomly drawn age-matched healthy women as controls. A higher variability (P less than 0.05) in the duration of both menstrual cycle and menstrual flow was recorded in the chronic alcoholic women during active alcoholism. A higher frequency (P less than 0.05) of menstrual disturbances (70% vs. 55%) and uterine curettages (38% vs. 16%) were found in the alcoholic women. The latter reported more abortions (63% vs. 28%, P less than 0.001) and miscarriages (23% vs. 8%, P less than 0.05) than controls, but due to a higher number of pregnancies in the alcoholic group the proportion of abortions and miscarriages did not differ significantly. No differences existed between the groups regarding frequency of difficult conception. Social classification had no independent influence on the results. The study shows that chronic alcoholic women are more prone to menstrual abnormalities and are at greater risk of gynecological interventions, while they do not seem to have reduced fertility.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Vol/bind 24
Udgave nummer 1
Sider (fra-til) 75-82
Antal sider 8
ISSN 0376-8716
Status Udgivet - aug. 1989

Non-elite marathon runners: health, training and injuries

Hølmich, P., Christensen, S. W., Darre, E., Jahnsen, F. & Hartvig, T. sep. 1989 I : British Journal of Sports Medicine. 23, 3, s. 177-8 2 s.

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A questionnaire was given to all participants of the Wonderful Copenhagen Marathon 1986 regarding demographic information, health, training, previous injuries and methods used to prevent these. A total load of 2158 Danish runners participated and 1426 (68 per cent) replied. Fifty per cent of the runners were training 30-60 km per week and 25 per cent more than 60 km per week. Forty-one per cent were members of running clubs. The runners were equally distributed between all social groups. Most runners were slim (mean BMI 22.3 +/- 1.87 (SD)), healthy, non-smokers who rarely suffered from serious injuries, but 31 per cent had had injuries that prevented them from training during the last year. Nearly all performed stretching exercises and methods to avoid injuries. Fifty per cent of the runners tried to optimize their performance by changing their diet in the days before the run. Seventeen per cent used the classical high carbohydrate diet and 33 per cent other special diets.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift British Journal of Sports Medicine
Vol/bind 23
Tidsskriftsnummer 3
Sider (fra-til) 177-8
Antal sider 2
ISSN 0306-3674
Status Udgivet - sep. 1989

Patients with polymyositis show changes in muscle protein charges

Bartels, E. M., Jacobsen, S., Rasmussen, L. & Danneskiold-Samsøe, B., dec. 1989, I: Journal of Rheumatology. 16, 12, s. 1542-4 3 s.

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Polymyositis (PM) appears with indolent proximal muscle weakness and is an inflammatory disease with breakdown of muscle cells. In our study the protein charge concentrations of the contractile proteins in the A and I bands were determined, applying a microelectrode technique. Patients with PM show a lower protein charge concentration than healthy control subjects which may be caused by the breakdown and removal of the proteins in the contractile filaments. A tool to judge the state of the disease as well as an aid in diagnosis may have been found in this method.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Journal of Rheumatology
Vol/bind 16
Udgave nummer 12
Sider (fra-til) 1542-4
Antal sider 3
ISSN 0315-162X
Status Udgivet - dec. 1989

Prevalence and predictors of bronchial hyperresponsiveness in children aged 7-16 years

Backer, V., Bach-Mortensen, N. & Dirksen, A., apr. 1989, I: Allergy. 44, 3, s. 214-9 6 s.

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Risk factors for cervical cancer in Greenland and Denmark: a population-based cross-sectional study

Kjaer, S. K., Teisen, C., Haugaard, B. J., Lynge, E., Christensen, R. B., Møller, K. A., Jensen, H., Poll, P., Vestergaard, B. F. & de Villiers, E. M., 15 jul. 1989, I: International Journal of Cancer. 44, 1, s. 40-7 8 s.

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The Copenhagen case-control study of bladder cancer. V. Review of the role of urinary-tract infection

Kjaer, S. K., Knudsen, J. B., Sørensen, B. L. & Møller Jensen, O., 1989, I: Acta Oncologica. 28, 5, s. 631-6 6 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

The effect of astemizole on bronchial hyperresponsiveness and exercise-induced asthma in children

Backer, V., Bach-Mortensen, N., Becker, U., Brink, L., Howitz, P., Hansen, K. K., Jensen, D. W. & Laursen, E. M., apr. 1989, I: Allergy. 44, 3, s. 209-13 5 s.

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Published in 1988

Gastrocolic fistulas

Palnaes Hansen, C., Lanng, C., Christensen, A., Thagaard, C. S., Lassen, M., Klaerke, A., Tønnesen, H. & Ostgaard, S. E., apr. 1988, I: Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica. 154, 4, s. 287-9 3 s.

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Sixteen patients were treated for gastrocolic fistula arising as a complication of peptic ulcer (11 cases), colonic perforation (2), gastric cancer (1), colonic cancer (1) or pancreatitis (1). The predominant symptoms were diarrhoea, weight loss and abdominal pain. Barium meal and barium enema were the most reliable means of diagnosis, and no fistula was gastroscopically demonstrable. A one-stage en bloc resection of the involved gastrocolic region was performed in eight cases. Other operations were simple excision (3), gastric resection with closure of the colonic wall (2) and colectomy with closure of the gastric wall (2). In one case cure was achieved with cimetidine, without surgical intervention. Four patients died postoperatively and two had recurrence of fistula.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica
Vol/bind 154
Udgave nummer 4
Sider (fra-til) 287-9
Antal sider 3
ISSN 0001-5482
Status Udgivet - apr. 1988

Human papillomavirus, herpes simplex virus and cervical cancer incidence in Greenland and Denmark. A population-based cross-sectional study

Kjaer, S. K., de Villiers, E. M., Haugaard, B. J., Christensen, R. B., Teisen, C., Møller, K. A., Poll, P., Jensen, H., Vestergaard, B. F. & Lynge, E., 15 apr. 1988, I: International Journal of Cancer. 41, 4, s. 518-24 7 s.

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Ovarian cancer incidence and mortality in Denmark, 1943-1982

Ewertz, M. & Kjaer, S. K., 15 nov. 1988, I: International Journal of Cancer. 42, 5, s. 690-6 7 s.

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Perforated gastric ulcer

Lanng, C., Palnaes Hansen, C., Christensen, A., Thagaard, C. S., Lassen, M., Klaerke, A., Tønnesen, H. & Ostgaard, S. E., aug. 1988, I: British Journal of Surgery. 75, 8, s. 758-9 2 s.

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A retrospective study is presented of 297 patients operated upon for perforated benign gastric ulcer in Denmark from 1975 to 1984. Male:female ratio was 0.9:1, mean age 64.2 years. The numbers of gastric and prepyloric perforations were almost equal (156:141), but gastric perforations were more frequent in elderly women and prepyloric perforations in younger men. Simple closure was performed in 83 per cent of the patients, gastric resection in 14 per cent and simple closure and vagotomy in 3 per cent. The postoperative mortality rate was 21 per cent and was related to the high proportion of elderly patients with concurrent diseases and delayed treatment.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift British Journal of Surgery
Vol/bind 75
Udgave nummer 8
Sider (fra-til) 758-9
Antal sider 2
ISSN 0007-1323
Status Udgivet - aug. 1988

The effect of cimetidine on survival after gastric cancer

Tønnesen, H., Knigge, U. P., Bülow, S., Damm, P., Fischerman, K., Hesselfeldt, P., Hjortrup, A., Pedersen, I. K., Pedersen, V. M., Siemssen, O. J., Svendsen, L. B. & Christiansen, P. M., 1988, I: Lancet. 2

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Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Lancet
Vol/bind 2
ISSN 0140-6736
Status Udgivet - 1988

Published in 1987

Epilepsy after stroke

Olsen, T. S., Høgenhaven, H. & Thage, O., 1987, I: Neurology. 37, 7, s. 1209-11 3 s.

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Development of epilepsy was studied prospectively in a group of 77 consecutive stroke patients. Included were stroke patients less than 75 years old admitted within the first 3 days after the stroke. Excluded were patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage, vertebrobasilar stroke, and patients with other severe diseases. Cerebral angiography, CT, and EEG were performed in all patients. The patients were followed clinically for 2 to 4 years. Seven patients (9%) developed epilepsy. Of 23 patients with lesions involving the cortex, 6 (26%) developed epilepsy. Of 54 patients in whom the cortex was not involved, only 1 (2%) developed epilepsy. Patients with persisting paresis and cortical involvement seem to be at particularly high risk of developing epilepsy, as 50% of such patients (6 of 12) developed the disease.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Neurology
Vol/bind 37
Udgave nummer 7
Sider (fra-til) 1209-11
Antal sider 3
ISSN 0028-3878
Status Udgivet - 1987

Establishment of the relative antiinflammatory potency of deflazacort and prednisone in polymyalgia rheumatica

Lund, B., Egsmose, C., Jørgensen, S. & Krogsgaard, M. R., dec. 1987, I: Calcified Tissue International. 41, 6, s. 316-320 5 s.

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Conventional glucocorticoids exert a negative influence on calcium balance, and long-term treatment with these agents leads to osteopenia. Deflazacort is an oxazoline derivative of prednisolone with documented calcium-sparing properties when compared to prednisone on a weight basis. The purpose of the present study was to determine the relative antiinflammatory potency of deflazacort and prednisone. In a randomized, cross-over, double-blind trial, 11 patients, all suffering from polymyalgia rheumatica, and all on a stable maintenance dose of prednisone, were treated with equimolar doses of prednisone and deflazacort (i.e., weight ratio 1:1.2) for two consecutive 2-week periods. Following deflazacort treatment, significant rises compared with initial values were seen in erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), plasma fibrinogen, serum alkaline phosphatase, and general pain and tenderness. No changes were seen following prednisone treatment. Subsequently, in a similar regimen, prednisone was compared with deflazacort at a weight ratio of 1:1.2 in 10 patients, 1:1.5 in another 10 patients, and 1:1.8 in still another 10 patients for purposes of dose titration. Again, significant rises were seen in ESR, plasma fibrinogen, and serum alkaline phosphatase following the lowest dose of deflazacort, whereas no changes were seen following the higher doses of deflazacort or prednisone. In conclusion, the relative antiinflammatory potency of deflazacort and prednisone lies between 0.83 and 0.66 on a weight basis (1.02 and 0.82 on a molar basis) as evaluated by clinical and biochemical parameters reflecting disease activity in polymyalgia. This disease appears to represent a sensitive, reliable and reproducible clinical model for assessment of the relative antiinflammatory potency of glucocorticoids.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Calcified Tissue International
Vol/bind 41
Udgave nummer 6
Sider (fra-til) 316-320
Antal sider 5
ISSN 0171-967X
Status Udgivet - dec. 1987

Focal ischaemia caused by instability of cerebrovascular tone during attacks of hemiplegic migraine. A regional cerebral blood flow study

Friberg, L., Olsen, T. S., Roland, P. E. & Lassen, N. A. aug 1987 I : Brain. 110 ( Pt 4), s. 917-34 18 s.

Publikation: Forskning - peer reviewTidsskriftartikel

During the course of hemiplegic migraine in 3 patients, changes in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) were recorded by the intracarotid 133Xe method and a 254 multidetector camera covering one hemisphere. The rCBF measurements were performed in conjunction with cerebral angiography. During repeated rCBF measurements all 3 patients developed focal hypoperfusion originating in the frontal lobe, subsequently spreading posteriorly to involve the precentral and postcentral regions. In 2 cases focal hyperperfusion appeared to precede the hypoperfusion. In association with the rCBF changes the patients developed transient motor and/or sensory deficits and subsequently severe headache. No signs of arterial occlusion were found. In the over and underperfused regions blood flow fluctuated rapidly because of instability of cerebrovascular tone, defined as transient constriction of the smallest cerebral vessels (arterioles) alternating with a normal calibre for these vessels and/or short periods of vasodilatation. It is considered to be a primary pathological condition of the vessels. When vasoconstriction was present the blood flow decreased to values consistent with ischaemia, which was probably the cause of the neurological deficits. On the basis of these observations and previous work from our laboratory we conclude that instability of cerebrovascular tone may cause focal ischaemia during the course of attacks of classical and hemiplegic migraine.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Brain
Udgivelsesdato aug 1987
Vol/bind 110 ( Pt 4)
Sider 917-34
Antal sider 18
ISSN 0006-8950
Status Udgivet

Influence of alcohol on morbidity after colonic surgery

Tønnesen, H., Schütten, B. T. & Jørgensen, B. B., 1987, I: Diseases of the Colon and Rectum. 30

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Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Diseases of the Colon and Rectum
Vol/bind 30
ISSN 0012-3706
Status Udgivet - 1987

Insulinkraevende diabetes mellitus og marathonløb

Jensen, T. H., Darre, E., Hölmich, P. & Jahnsen, F. 30 nov. 1987 I : Ugeskrift for laeger. 149, 49, s. 3330-1 2 s.

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Originalsprog Dansk
Tidsskrift Ugeskrift for laeger
Vol/bind 149
Tidsskriftsnummer 49
Sider (fra-til) 3330-1
Antal sider 2
ISSN 0041-5782
Status Udgivet - 30 nov. 1987
A common complaint among patients with fibrositis syndrome is exhaustion and fatique. It was therefore felt desirable to evaluate the muscle strength of these patients compared with normal subjects. Maximum isometric and isokinetic strength of knee extension was measured in 15 patients and 15 healthy matched subjects, using an isokinetic dynamometer (Cybex II). Maximum isometric strength at various knee extension angles (90 degrees, 60 degrees and 30 degrees degrees) was significantly (p less than 0.001) lower in the fibrositis group than in controls, a reduction of approximately 58-66%. Maximum isokinetic strength at various knee extension velocities (30-240 degrees per second) was also significantly (p less than 0.01) lower in the fibrositis group than in controls, the reduction being approximately 41-51%. In conclusion, isometric and isokinetic muscle strength is found to be lower in patients with fibrositis syndrome than in healthy subjects.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology
Vol/bind 16
Udgave nummer 1
Sider (fra-til) 61-5
Antal sider 5
ISSN 0300-9742
Status Udgivet - 1987
