Published in 2009

Can stimulating massage improve joint repositioning error in patients with knee osteoarthritis?

Lund, H., Henriksen, M., Bartels, E. M., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B. & Bliddal, H., 2009, I: Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy. 32, 3, s. 111-6 6 s.

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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of massage applied to the thigh muscles on joint repositioning error (JRE) in patients suffering from osteoarthritis (OA).We hypothesized that stimulating massage of the muscles around an osteoarthritic knee joint, could improve the neuromuscular function and thereby optimize the positive and minimize the negative performance factors in relation to an exercise program.

METHODS: In a cross-over design, 19 patients with knee osteoarthritis, mean age of 73.1 years (SD: 9.4; range 56 to 88 years), recruited from the local department of rheumatology, were randomly allocated to either receive massage and a week later, act as controls or vice versa. The applied massage consisted of stimulating massage of the quadriceps femoris, sartorious, gracilus, and hamstrings muscles for 10 min on the affected leg. Participants had their JRE measured before and immediately after the 10 min massage and control sessions. Data were analyzed by using paired t-test.

RESULTS: No significant change in JRE was observed (95% CI: -0.62 degrees to 0.85 degrees, p = 0.738).

CONCLUSION: Massage has no effect on the immediate joint repositioning error in patients with knee osteoarthritis, ie, if an improved JRE is important for improving the performance factors when exercising, stimulating massage may not be recommendable to use.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy
Vol/bind 32
Udgave nummer 3
Sider (fra-til) 111-6
Antal sider 6
ISSN 1539-8412
Status Udgivet - 2009

Cancer incidence among patients with alcohol use disorders--long-term follow-up

Thygesen, L. C., Mikkelsen, P., Andersen, T. V., Tønnesen, H., Juel, K., Becker, U. & Grønbaek, M., 2009, I: Alcohol and Alcoholism. 44, 4, s. 387-91 5 s.

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The aim of this study was to compare the cancer morbidity in a large cohort of patients with alcohol use disorders in the general Danish population.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Alcohol and Alcoholism
Vol/bind 44
Udgave nummer 4
Sider (fra-til) 387-91
Antal sider 5
ISSN 0735-0414
Status Udgivet - 2009

Chromosomal deletion unmasking a recessive disease: 22q13 deletion syndrome and metachromatic leukodystrophy

Bisgaard, A-M., Kirchhoff, M., Nielsen, J. E., Kibaek, M., Lund, A., Schwartz, M. & Christensen, E., feb. 2009, I: Clinical Genetics. 75, 2, s. 175-9 5 s.

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Diagnostic properties of inhaled mannitol in the diagnosis of asthma: a population study

Sverrild, A., Porsbjerg, C., Thomsen, S. F. & Backer, V., nov. 2009, I: The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology. 124, 5, s. 928-32.e1

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Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs til behandling af ankyloserende spondylitis

Madsen, O. R. & Egsmose, C., 2009, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 171, 33, s. 2268-72 5 s.

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Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is an inflammatory disorder affecting the axial skeleton, peripheral joints, entheses and extra-articular sites. Patients with early disease, a higher level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate and/or peripheral arthritis might benefit from sulfasalazine. Otherwise, there is no evidence that disease-modifying anti-rheumatic (DMARDs) have a therapeutic effect in AS. Clinical evidence that greater TNF-inhibitor effectiveness can be achieved by combining with a DMARD is lacking, but further studies should be performed. More research is needed to clarify the role of DMARDs in the treatment of AS.
Bidragets oversatte titel [Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs for treatment of ankylosing spondylitis]
Originalsprog Dansk
Tidsskrift Ugeskrift for Laeger
Vol/bind 171
Udgave nummer 33
Sider (fra-til) 2268-72
Antal sider 5
ISSN 0041-5782
Status Udgivet - 2009

Dose-response relationships in contact allergy and studies on single and repeated exposures– perspectives for prevention

Fischer, L. A., 2009

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportPh.d.-afhandling

Early discontinuation of antidepressant treatment and suicide risk among persons aged 50 and over: a population-based register study

Erlangsen, A., Agerbo, E., Hawton, K. & Conwell, Y., dec. 2009, I: Journal of Affective Disorders. 119, 1-3, s. 194-9 6 s.

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Effect of preoperative smoking cessation interventions on postoperative complications and smoking cessation

Thomsen, T., Tønnesen, H. & Møller, A. M., 1 maj 2009, I: British Journal of Surgery. 96, 5, s. 451-61 11 s.

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The aim of this study was to examine the effect of preoperative smoking cessation interventions on postoperative complications and smoking cessation itself.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift British Journal of Surgery
Vol/bind 96
Udgave nummer 5
Sider (fra-til) 451-61
Antal sider 11
ISSN 0007-1323
Status Udgivet - 1 maj 2009

Bibliografisk note


Effect of whole body vibration exercise on muscle strength and proprioception in females with knee osteoarthritis

Trans, T., Aaboe, J., Henriksen, M., Christensen, R., Bliddal, H. & Lund, H., aug. 2009, I: The Knee. 16, 4, s. 256-61 6 s.

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The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of whole body vibration (WBV) exercise on muscle strength and proprioception in female patients with osteoarthritis in the knee (knee-OA). A single blinded, randomised, controlled trial was performed in an outpatient clinic on 52 female patients diagnosed with knee-OA (mean age 60.4 years+/-9.6). They were randomly assigned to one of 3 groups: 1. WBV-exercise on a stable platform (VibM; n=17 (mean age, 61.5+/-9.2)), WBV-exercise on a balance board (VibF; n=18 (mean age, 58.7+/-11.0)), or control group (Con; n=18 (mean age, 61.1+/-8.5)). The WBV groups trained twice a week for 8 weeks, with a progressively increasing intensity. The WBV groups performed unloaded static WBV exercise. The following were measured: knee muscle strength (extension/flexion) and proprioception (threshold for detection of passive movement (TDPM)). Self-reported disease status was measured using WOMAC. It was found that muscle strength increased significantly (p<0.001) in VibM compared to Con. Isometric knee-extension significantly increased (p=0.021) in VibM compared to Con. TDPM was significantly improved (p=0.033) in VibF compared to Con, while there was a tendency (p=0.051) for VibM to perform better compared to Con. There were no effects in the self-reported disease status measures. This study showed that the WBV-exercise regime on a stable platform (VibM) yielded increased muscle strength, while the WBV-exercise on a balance board (VibF) showed improved TDPM. The WBV-exercise is a time-saving and safe method for rehabilitation of women with knee-OA.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift The Knee
Vol/bind 16
Udgave nummer 4
Sider (fra-til) 256-61
Antal sider 6
ISSN 0968-0160
Status Udgivet - aug. 2009

Endovascular Repair of Iatrogenic Superior Mesenteric Arteriovenous Fistula

Eiberg, J. P., Bundgaard-Nielsen, M., Hansen, M. A. & Secher, N. H., mar. 2009, I: EJVES Extra. 17, 3, s. 21-23 3 s.

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Endovascular treatment for chronic type B dissection: limitations of short stent-grafts revealed at midterm follow-up

Manning, B. J., Dias, N., Ohrlander, T., Malina, M., Sonesson, B., Resch, T. & Ivancev, K., okt. 2009, I: Journal of endovascular therapy : an official journal of the International Society of Endovascular Specialists. 16, 5, s. 590-7 8 s.

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Endovascular treatment of acute complicated type B dissection: morphological changes at midterm follow-up

Manning, B. J., Dias, N., Manno, M., Ohrlander, T., Malina, M., Sonesson, B., Resch, T. & Ivancev, K., aug. 2009, I: Journal of endovascular therapy : an official journal of the International Society of Endovascular Specialists. 16, 4, s. 466-74 9 s.

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Epidemiology of chronic pain in Denmark: an update

Sjøgren, P., Ekholm, O., Peuckmann, V. & Grønbaek, M., mar. 2009, I: European Journal of Pain. 13, 3, s. 287-92 6 s.

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Evaluation of a candidate breast cancer associated SNP in ERCC4 as a risk modifier in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Results from the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/BRCA2 (CIMBA)

Osorio, A., Milne, R. L., Pita, G., Peterlongo, P., Heikkinen, T., Simard, J., Chenevix-Trench, G., Spurdle, A. B., Beesley, J., Chen, X., Healey, S., Neuhausen, S. L., Ding, Y. C., Couch, F. J., Wang, X., Lindor, N., Manoukian, S., Barile, M., Viel, A., Tizzoni, L., & 31 flereSzabo, C. I., Foretova, L., Zikan, M., Claes, K., Greene, M. H., Mai, P., Rennert, G., Lejbkowicz, F., Barnett-Griness, O., Andrulis, I. L., Ozcelik, H., Weerasooriya, N., Gerdes, A-M., Thomassen, M., Cruger, D. G., Caligo, M. A., Friedman, E., Kaufman, B., Laitman, Y., Cohen, S., Kontorovich, T., Gershoni-Baruch, R., Dagan, E., Jernström, H., Askmalm, M. S., Arver, B., Malmer, B., Domchek, S. M., Nathanson, K. L., Hansen, T. V. O. & kConFab, 15 dec. 2009, I: British Journal of Cancer. 101, 12, s. 2048-54 7 s.

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Exercise-Induced Asthma Symptoms and Nighttime Asthma: Are They Similar to AHR?

Backer, V. & Rasmussen, L. M., 2009, I: Journal of Allergy. 2009, s. 378245

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Experimental muscle pain during a forward lunge--the effects on knee joint dynamics and electromyographic activity

Henriksen, M., Alkjaer, T., Simonsen, E. B. & Bliddal, H., jul. 2009, I: British Journal of Sports Medicine. 43, 7, s. 503-7 5 s.

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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the knee joint dynamics during a forward lunge could be modulated by experimentally induced vastus medialis pain in healthy subjects.

DESIGN: Randomised cross-over study.

SETTING: Biomechanical movement laboratory.

PARTICIPANTS: 20 healthy subjects were included. One subject was excluded during data collection.

INTERVENTION: The subjects performed forward lunges before, during and 20 minutes after induction of experimental quadriceps muscle pain. Muscle pain was induced using hypertonic saline (5.8%) injected intramuscularly. Isotonic saline (0.9%) was used as control.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: Three-dimensional movement analyses were performed and inverse dynamics were used to calculate joint kinematics and kinetics for ankle, knee and hip joints. Electromyographic (EMG) signals of the hamstrings and quadriceps muscles were recorded.

RESULTS: During and after pain, significant decreases in knee joint dynamics and EMG recordings were observed.

CONCLUSION: The study shows that local pain in the quadriceps is capable of modulating movements with high knee joint dynamics. The results may have implications in the management of muscle pain and prevention of injuries during activities involving the knee joint.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift British Journal of Sports Medicine
Vol/bind 43
Udgave nummer 7
Sider (fra-til) 503-7
Antal sider 5
ISSN 0306-3674
Status Udgivet - jul. 2009

Experimentally reduced hip abductor function during walking: Implications for knee joint loads

Henriksen, M., Aaboe, J., Simonsen, E. B., Alkjaer, T. & Bliddal, H., 19 jun. 2009, I: Journal of Biomechanics. 42, 9, s. 1236-40 5 s.

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Hip and knee functions are intimately connected and reduced hip abductor function might play a role in development of knee osteoarthritis (OA) by increasing the external knee adduction moment during walking. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that reduced function of the gluteus medius (GM) muscle would lead to increased external knee adduction moment during level walking in healthy subjects. Reduced GM muscle function was induced experimentally, by means of intramuscular injections of hypertonic saline that produced an intense short-term muscle pain and reduced muscle function. Isotonic saline injections were used as non-painful control. Fifteen healthy subjects performed walking trials at their self-selected walking speed before and immediately after injections, and again after 20 min of rest, to ensure pain recovery. Standard gait analyses were used to calculate three-dimensional trunk and lower extremity joint kinematics and kinetics. Surface electromyography (EMG) of the glutei, quadriceps, and hamstring muscles were also measured. The peak GM EMG activity had temporal concurrence with peaks in frontal plane moments at both hip and knee joints. The EMG activity in the GM muscle was significantly reduced by pain (-39.6%). All other muscles were unaffected. Peaks in the frontal plane hip and knee joint moments were significantly reduced during pain (-6.4% and -4.2%, respectively). Lateral trunk lean angles and midstance hip joint adduction and knee joint extension angles were reduced by 1 degrees . Thus, the gait changes were primarily caused by reduced GM function. Walking with impaired GM muscle function due to pain significantly reduced the external knee adduction moment. This study challenge the notion that reduced GM function due to pain would lead to increased loads at the knee joint during level walking.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Journal of Biomechanics
Vol/bind 42
Udgave nummer 9
Sider (fra-til) 1236-40
Antal sider 5
ISSN 0021-9290
Status Udgivet - 19 jun. 2009

Extracellular purinergic signaling in pancreas

Novak, I., Haanes, K. A., Hansen, M. R., Krabbe, S. & Hede, S. E., 2009, I: Journal of Medical Investigation. 56, SUPPL. 1, s. 355-356 2 s.

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Fenestrated endovascular repair for juxtarenal aortic pathology

Kristmundsson, T., Sonesson, B., Malina, M., Björses, K., Dias, N. & Resch, T., mar. 2009, I: Journal of Vascular Surgery. 49, 3, s. 568-74; discussion 574-5

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Fibromyalgi, diagnostik og praevalens. Kan kønsforskellen forklares?

Bartels, E. M., Dreyer, L., Jacobsen, S., Jespersen, A., Bliddal, H. & Danneskiold-Samsøe, B., 30 nov. 2009, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 171, 49, s. 3588-92 5 s.

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Most non-inflammatory musculoskeletal diseases are more common in women than in men. Fibromyalgia is characterised by chronic generalised muscle pain. The male:female ratio is 1:9. Interacting factors including genetic, hormonal, environmental and behavioural elements may cause this condition, and there are possibly subgroups of which one has shown to be treatable. A different pathogenetic appearance in the two sexes may also be present. The gender difference may partly be explained by the fact that pressure pain test in tender points forms part of the diagnosis. This may leave some male fibromyalgia patients unrecognized.
Bidragets oversatte titel [Fibromyalgia, diagnosis and prevalence. Are gender differences explainable?]
Originalsprog Dansk
Tidsskrift Ugeskrift for Laeger
Vol/bind 171
Udgave nummer 49
Sider (fra-til) 3588-92
Antal sider 5
Status Udgivet - 30 nov. 2009
