Published in 2018

Originalsprog Engelsk
Udgivelsessted [Kbh.]
Forlag University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Antal sider 270
Status Udgivet - 2018

Disease Modifying Therapies in Psoriatic Arthritis: Prognostic Factors and Treatment Outcomes

Højgaard, P., 28 feb. 2018, Eget forlag, København. 78 s.

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportPh.d.-afhandling

Originalsprog Engelsk
Forlag Eget forlag, København
Antal sider 78
Status Udgivet - 28 feb. 2018

Diverse hepatic microbial DNA fingerprints in healthy lean and obese steatotic humans

Bagger, J. I., Suppli, M. P., Nielsen, T., Lelouvier, B., Broha, A., Demant, M. G., Kønig, M. J., Strandberg, C., Lund, A., Vilsbøll, T. & Knop, F. K. 2 okt. 2018 (Accepteret/In press)

Publikation: KonferencebidragKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskningpeer review

Originalsprog Engelsk
Publikationsdato 2 okt. 2018
Status Accepteret/In press - 2 okt. 2018
Begivenhed 54th EASD Annual Meeting: EASD 2018 - Berlin, Tyskland
Varighed: 1 okt. 20185 okt. 2018


Konference 54th EASD Annual Meeting
Land Tyskland
By Berlin
Periode 01/10/201805/10/2018
Originalsprog Engelsk
Artikelnummer OP0038
Tidsskrift Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Vol/bind 77
Udgave nummer Suppl. 2
Sider (fra-til) 70-1
Antal sider 2
ISSN 0003-4967
Status Udgivet - 2018

Infants who are breastfed are introduced to a variety of flavours from the maternal milk, and thus the transition from maternal milk to complementary foods may be easier for these children. The aim of this study was to investigate if duration of exclusive breastfeeding was associated with pickiness or dietary intake of vegetables, fruit, starchy foods or sugar sweetened beverages among obesity prone normal weight children aged 2-6 years. This cohort study was based on data from the Healthy Start primary intervention study, the Danish Medical Birth registry and the Danish Health Visitor's Child Health Database. Infant feeding was registered by health nurses while home-visiting the mother and child up to four times within the first year. Information on eating behaviour and diet intake at age 2-6 years was obtained by parents. Crude and adjusted logistic and general linear regression models were used to investigate associations. A total of 236 children had complete information on all variables. Data showed lower odds of picky eating behaviour when exclusively breastfed until age 4-5 months compared to exclusively breastfed for 0-1 months (OR = 0.35, 95CI = 0.16;0.76, p = 0.008). In the crude analysis only, exclusively breastfed until age 6-10 months was associated with a higher daily intake of vegetables (p = 0.04). This study suggests that exclusive breastfeeding duration seems to influence pickiness and may contribute to facilitate the consumption of more vegetables in later childhood in obesity prone normal weight children.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift PLoS One
Vol/bind 13
Udgave nummer 7
Sider (fra-til) e0200388
ISSN 1932-6203
Status Udgivet - 2018

Early phase and adaptive design clinical trials in rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review of early phase trials

Pickles, T., Christensen, R., Tam, L-S., Simon, L. S. & Choy, E. H., 2018, I: Rheumatology Advances in Practice. 2, 2, s. rky045

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Objective: Adaptive designs can enable highly sophisticated and efficient early phase trials, but the clinical inference from these trials is surrounded by complexity, and currently there is a paucity but steadily increasing amount of use of these designs in all fields of medicine. We aim to review early phase trials in RA to discover those that have used adaptive designs and benchmark trial characteristics.

Methods: From an OVID search for journal articles reporting the results of early phase trials in rheumatology, 35 studies were found, with 9 subsequently excluded; 11 were added from manual searches and 19 from searching the references. Study characteristics were extracted from the 56 papers (describing 62 trials), including the number of arms, number of patients, the primary outcome and when it was measured.

Result: One early phase trial using an adaptive design was found. The benchmark early phase trial in RA is a phase II double-blinded randomized trial, with four arms (one control and three intervention), each with 34 patients, and ACR20 measured at 16 weeks as the primary outcome.

Conclusion: The one adaptive design reviewed here, and a simulation study found in the search, both indicate that adaptive designs can be applied to early phase trials in RA. We have described the benchmark, which the efficiency of early phase trials using an adaptive design needs to exceed. These efficient designs could drive down numbers required, time for data collection and thus cost. Changes have been suggested, but more needs to be done.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Rheumatology Advances in Practice
Vol/bind 2
Udgave nummer 2
Sider (fra-til) rky045
ISSN 2514-1775
Status Udgivet - 2018

Effect Modifications of Lipid-Lowering Therapy on Progression of Aortic Stenosis (from the Simvastatin and Ezetimibe in Aortic Stenosis [SEAS] Study)

Greve, A. M., Bang, C. N., Boman, K., Egstrup, K., Forman, J. L., Kesäniemi, Y. A., Ray, S., Pedersen, T. R., Best, P., Rajamannan, N. M. & Wachtell, K., 15 mar. 2018, I: The American journal of cardiology. 121, 6, s. 739-745 7 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Effectiveness of the Gold Standard Programme (GSP) for smoking cessation on smokers with and without a severe mental disorder: a Danish cohort study

Rasmussen, M., Klinge, M., Krogh, J., Nordentoft, M. & Tønnesen, H., 11 jun. 2018, I: BMJ Open. 8, 6, s. e021114

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

OBJECTIVES: We compared the effectiveness of an intensive smoking cessation intervention among smokers with and without a severe mental disorder (SMD) and identified factors associated with successful quitting. The main hypothesis was that smokers with an SMD would be less likely to stay continuously smoke-free for 6 months.

DESIGN: A prospective cohort study.

SETTING: In all, 302 smoking cessation clinics in Denmark from municipal clinics, pharmacies, hospitals, midwives, primary care facilities and other private providers who reported data to the national Danish Smoking Cessation Database from 2006 to 2016 participated in this study.

PARTICIPANTS: A total of 38 293 patients from the Danish Smoking Cessation Database. Patients with an SMD were identified by linking data to the Danish National Patient Register. Diagnoses of organic mental disorders (F0 chapter) or intellectual disabilities (F7 chapter) were not included. Smokers ≥18 years old who were attending a Gold Standard Programme (GSP) with planned follow-up were included. Smokers not wanting contact after 6 months were excluded.

INTERVENTIONS: A comprehensive manual-based smoking cessation intervention comprising five meetings over a 6-week period (the GSP).

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Self-reported continuous abstinence at the 6-month follow-up.

RESULTS: In all, 69% of the participants participated in the follow-up after 6 months. The overall rate of successful quitting was high but significantly lower in SMD smokers (29% vs 38%; OR 0.74; 95% CI 0.68 to 0.80). Variables associated with successful quitting were compliance (defined as attending ≥75% of the planned meetings), older age and male gender as well as not being disadvantaged, heavy smoking or recommendation of intervention by health professionals.

CONCLUSIONS: Only 29% of smokers with an SMD successfully quit smoking which was significantly lower than the 38% of smokers without an SMD. Compliance was the most important predictor for successful quitting.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift BMJ Open
Vol/bind 8
Udgave nummer 6
Sider (fra-til) e021114
ISSN 2044-6055
Status Udgivet - 11 jun. 2018

Effects of Lifestyle on Muscle Strength in a Healthy Danish Population

Bartels, E. M., Robertson, S., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B., Appleyard, M. & Stockmarr, A., jan. 2018, I: Journal of lifestyle medicine. 8, 1, s. 16-22 7 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Background: Lifestyle is expected to influence muscle strength. This study aimed at assessing a possible relationship between smoking, alcohol intake and physical activity, and muscle strength in a healthy Danish population aged 20-79 years. Population study based on data collected from The Copenhagen City Heart Study (CCHS) and measurements of Isokinetic muscle strength from a sub-study of randomly selected healthy participants from CCHS.

Methods: 126 women and 63 men were studied. All participants completed a questionnaire regarding their lifestyle, including physical activity, alcohol intake and smoking habits. Isokinetic muscle strength was measured over the upper extremities (UE), trunk, and lower extremities (LE). Multivariate analyses including all of the variables were carried out.

Results: The level of daily physical activity during leisure was positively correlated to muscle strength in the lower extremities (p = 0.03) for women, and lower extremities (p = 0.03) and trunk (p = 0.007) for men. Alcohol Intake was in general not correlated to muscle strength. No clear effect of smoking was seen on muscle strength.

Conclusion: Our results show that physical activity during leisure is associated with a positive effect on muscle strength in both sexes. When keeping alcohol intake within the recommended limits, alcohol does not seem to affect muscle strength negatively. No effect of smoking on muscle strength was found in our group of healthy subjects. The findings are of importance when considering recommendation on life style when wishing to keeping fit with age to be able to carry out daily activities.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Journal of lifestyle medicine
Vol/bind 8
Udgave nummer 1
Sider (fra-til) 16-22
Antal sider 7
ISSN 2234-8549
Status Udgivet - jan. 2018

Efficacy and safety of faecal microbiota transplantation in patients with psoriatic arthritis: protocol for a 6-month, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial

Kragsnaes, M. S., Kjeldsen, J., Horn, H. C., Munk, H. L., Pedersen, F. M., Holt, H. M., Pedersen, J. K., Holm, D. K., Glerup, H., Andersen, V., Fredberg, U., Kristiansen, K., Christensen, R. & Ellingsen, T., 27 apr. 2018, I: BMJ Open. 8, 4, s. e019231

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

INTRODUCTION: An unbalanced intestinal microbiota may mediate activation of the inflammatory pathways seen in psoriatic arthritis (PsA). A randomised, placebo-controlled trial of faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) infused into the small intestine of patients with PsA with active peripheral disease who are non-responsive to methotrexate (MTX) treatment will be conducted. The objective is to explore clinical aspects associated with FMT performed in patients with PsA.

METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This trial is a randomised, two-centre stratified, double-blind (patient, care provider and outcome assessor), placebo-controlled, parallel-group study. Eighty patients will be included and randomised (1:1) to either placebo (saline) or FMT provided from an anonymous healthy donor. Throughout the study, both groups will continue the weekly self-administered subcutaneous MTX treatment, remaining on the preinclusion dosage (15-25 mg/week). The clinical measures of psoriasis and PsA disease activity used include the Short (2-page) Health Assessment Questionnaire, the Dermatology Quality of Life Index, the Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada Enthesitis Index, the Psoriasis Area Severity Index, a dactylitis digit count, a swollen/tender joint count (66/68), plasma C reactive protein as well as visual analogue scales for pain, fatigue and patient and physician global assessments. The primary end point is the proportion of patients who experience treatment failure during the 6-month trial period. The number of adverse events will be registered throughout the study.

ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This is a proof-of-concept clinical trial and will be performed in agreement with Good Clinical Practice standards. Approvals have been obtained from the local Ethics Committee (DK-S-20150080) and the Danish Data Protection Agency (15/41684). The study has commenced in May 2017. Dissemination will be through presentations at national and international conferences and through publications in international peer-reviewed journal(s).


Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift BMJ Open
Vol/bind 8
Udgave nummer 4
Sider (fra-til) e019231
ISSN 2044-6055
Status Udgivet - 27 apr. 2018

A new intelligent stocking for quantification of edema in the lower limbs

Bidragets oversatte titel


En ny intelligent strømpe til kvantificering af ødemer i underbenene

Kaspersen, A., Petersen, O. B. & Hasenkam, J. M., 2018.

Publikation: KonferencebidragPosterFormidling

Environmental and individual predictors of 25(OH)D concentrations measured from neonatal dried blood spots in Denmark: the D-tect study

Keller, A., Frederiksen, P., Händel, M. N., Jacobsen, R., McGrath, J. J., Cohen, A. S. & Heitmann, B. L., 11 dec. 2018, I: The British journal of nutrition. s. 1-25 25 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift The British journal of nutrition
Sider (fra-til) 1-25
Antal sider 25
ISSN 0007-1145
Status Udgivet - 11 dec. 2018

Epidemiology of time loss groin injuries in a men's professional football league: a 2-year prospective study of 17 clubs and 606 players.

Mosler, A. B., Weir, A., Eirale, C., Farooq, A., Thorborg, K., Whiteley, R. J., Hølmich, P. & Crossley, K. M. 2018 I : British Journal of Sports Medicine. 52, 5, s. 292-297 6 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

BACKGROUND/AIM: Groin injury epidemiology has not previously been examined in an entire professional football league. We recorded and characterised time loss groin injuries sustained in the Qatar Stars League. METHODS: Male players were observed prospectively from July 2013 to June 2015. Time loss injuries, individual training and match play exposure were recorded by club doctors using standardised surveillance methods. Groin injury incidence per 1000 playing hours was calculated, and descriptive statistics used to determine the prevalence and characteristics of groin injuries. The Doha agreement classification system was used to categorise all groin injuries. RESULTS: 606 footballers from 17 clubs were included, with 206/1145 (18%) time loss groin injuries sustained by 150 players, at an incidence of 1.0/1000 hours (95% CI 0.9 to 1.1). At a club level, 21% (IQR 10%-28%) of players experienced groin injuries each season and 6.6 (IQR 2.9-9.1) injuries were sustained per club per season. Of the 206 injuries, 16% were minimal (1-3 days), 25% mild (4-7 days), 41% moderate (8-28 days) and 18% severe (>28 days), with a median absence of 10 days/injury (IQR 5-22 days). The median days lost due to groin injury per club was 85 days per season (IQR 35-215 days). Adductor-related groin pain was the most common entity (68%) followed by iliopsoas (12%) and pubic-related (9%) groin pain. CONCLUSION: Groin pain caused time loss for one in five players each season. Adductor-related groin pain comprised 2/3 of all groin injuries. Improving treatment outcomes and preventing adductor-related groin pain has the potential to improve player availability in professional football.
Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift British Journal of Sports Medicine
Vol/bind 52
Tidsskriftsnummer 5
Sider (fra-til) 292-297
Antal sider 6
ISSN 1473-0480
Status Udgivet - 2018

Estimating the causal effect of body mass index on hay fever, asthma and lung function using Mendelian randomization

Skaaby, T., Taylor, A. E., Thuesen, B. H., Jacobsen, R. K., Friedrich, N., Møllehave, L. T., Hansen, S., Larsen, S. C., Völker, U., Nauck, M., Völzke, H., Hansen, T., Pedersen, O., Jørgensen, T., Paternoster, L., Munafò, M., Grarup, N. & Linneberg, A., 2018, I: Allergy. 73, 1, s. 153-64

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

BACKGROUND: Observational studies have shown that body mass index (BMI) is positively associated with asthma. However, observational data are prone to confounding and reverse causation. In Mendelian randomization, genetic variants are used as unconfounded markers of exposures to examine causal effects. We examined the causal effect of BMI on asthma, hay fever, allergic sensitization, serum total immunoglobulin E (IgE), forced expiratory volume in one-second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC).

METHODS: We included 490 497 participants in the observational and 162 124 participants in the genetic analyses. A genetic risk score (GRS) was created using 26 BMI-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Results were pooled in meta-analyses and expressed as odds ratios (ORs) or β-estimates with 95% confidence interval (CI).

RESULTS: The GRS was significantly associated with asthma (OR=1.009; 95% CI: 1.004, 1.013), but not with hay fever (OR= 0.998; 95% CI: 0.994, 1.002) or allergic sensitization (OR=0.999; 95% CI: 0.986, 1.012) per BMI-increasing allele. The GRS was significantly associated with decrease in FEV1: β=-0.0012 (95% CI: -0.0019, -0.0006) and FVC: β=-0.0022 (95% CI: -0.0031, -0.0014) per BMI-increasing allele. Effect sizes estimated by instrumental variable analyses were OR=1.07 (95% CI: 1.03, 1.10) for asthma, a 9 ml decrease in FEV1 (95% CI: 2.0-15 mL decrease) and a 16 ml decrease in FVC (95% CI: 7.0-24 mL decrease) per 1 kg/m(2) higher BMI.

CONCLUSIONS: The results support the conclusion that increasing BMI is causally related to higher prevalence of asthma and decreased lung function, but not with hay fever or biomarkers of allergy.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Allergy
Vol/bind 73
Udgave nummer 1
Sider (fra-til) 153-64
ISSN 0105-4538
Status Udgivet - 2018

EULAR recommendations for the health professional's approach to pain management in inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis

Geenen, R., Overman, C. L., Christensen, R., Åsenlöf, P., Capela, S., Huisinga, K. L., Husebø, M. E. P., Köke, A. J. A., Paskins, Z., Pitsillidou, I. A., Savel, C., Austin, J., Hassett, A. L., Severijns, G., Stoffer-Marx, M., Vlaeyen, J. W. S., Fernández-de-Las-Peñas, C., Ryan, S. J. & Bergman, S., jun. 2018, I: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 77, 6, s. 797-807 11 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

Pain is the predominant symptom for people with inflammatory arthritis (IA) and osteoarthritis (OA) mandating the development of evidence-based recommendations for the health professional's approach to pain management. A multidisciplinary task force including professionals and patient representatives conducted a systematic literature review of systematic reviews to evaluate evidence regarding effects on pain of multiple treatment modalities. Overarching principles and recommendations regarding assessment and pain treatment were specified on the basis of reviewed evidence and expert opinion. From 2914 review studies initially identified, 186 met inclusion criteria. The task force emphasised the importance for the health professional to adopt a patient-centred framework within a biopsychosocial perspective, to have sufficient knowledge of IA and OA pathogenesis, and to be able to differentiate localised and generalised pain. Treatment is guided by scientific evidence and the assessment of patient needs, preferences and priorities; pain characteristics; previous and ongoing pain treatments; inflammation and joint damage; and psychological and other pain-related factors. Pain treatment options typically include education complemented by physical activity and exercise, orthotics, psychological and social interventions, sleep hygiene education, weight management, pharmacological and joint-specific treatment options, or interdisciplinary pain management. Effects on pain were most uniformly positive for physical activity and exercise interventions, and for psychological interventions. Effects on pain for educational interventions, orthotics, weight management and multidisciplinary treatment were shown for particular disease groups. Underpinned by available systematic reviews and meta-analyses, these recommendations enable health professionals to provide knowledgeable pain-management support for people with IA and OA.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Vol/bind 77
Udgave nummer 6
Sider (fra-til) 797-807
Antal sider 11
ISSN 0003-4967
Status Udgivet - jun. 2018

Evaluation of an intervention programme addressing ability to perform activities of daily living among persons with chronic conditions: study protocol for a feasibility trial (ABLE)

Guidetti, S., Nielsen, K. T., von Bülow, C., Pilegaard, M. S., Klokker, L. & Wæhrens, E. E., 20 maj 2018, I: BMJ Open. 8, 5, s. e020812

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

INTRODUCTION: The number of persons living with a chronic condition is increasing worldwide. Conditions are considered chronic when lasting 1 year or more and requiring ongoing medical attention and/or limiting activities of daily living (ADL). Besides medical treatment, physical exercise to improve body functions is recommended and prescribed. However, improvements in body functions do not necessarily improve ability to perform ADL. Thus, it is necessary to develop interventions aiming directly at enhancing ADL ability. As a part of the research programme 'A Better Everyday Life', the first version of the ABLE intervention programme was developed.

METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This feasibility study examine the perceived value and acceptability of the ABLE programme by evaluating the fidelity, reach, dose and potential outcomes using a pretest and post-test design involving 30 persons living with chronic conditions. Qualitative interviews among occupational therapists delivering and participants receiving the ABLE programme will be conducted to explore aspects affecting the intervention.

ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The results will form the base for refinement of the ABLE programme and planning of a large-scale randomised controlled trial investigating the effect of the programme on self-reported and observed ADL ability. Dissemination will include peer-reviewed publications and presentations at national and international conferences.

PROTOCOL VERSION: 7 November 2017: v ersion 1.0. 19 February 2018: v ersion 2.0.


Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift BMJ Open
Vol/bind 8
Udgave nummer 5
Sider (fra-til) e020812
ISSN 2044-6055
Status Udgivet - 20 maj 2018

Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation improves exercise capacity and health-related quality of life in people with atrial fibrillation: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised and non-randomised trials

Smart, N. A., King, N., Lambert, J. D., Pearson, M. J., Campbell, J. L., Risom, S. S. & Taylor, R. S., 1 dec. 2018, I: Open Heart. 5, 2, e000880.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

Exposure to vitamin D from fortified margarine during fetal life and later risk of pre-eclampsia: the D-tect Study

Stougaard, M., Damm, P., Frederiksen, P., Jacobsen, R. & Heitmann, B. L., 24 mar. 2018, I: Public Health Nutrition. 21, 4, s. 721-731 11 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

OBJECTIVE: To examine if fetal exposure to a small dosage of extra vitamin D from food fortification was associated with a decrease in the risk of pre-eclampsia later in life.

DESIGN: Cancellation of the mandatory vitamin D fortification of margarine in 1985 created a societal experiment, with entire adjacent birth cohorts exposed or unexposed to extra vitamin D during fetal development. The Danish national medical health registries allowed the identification of pre-eclampsia cases later in life among all exposed and unexposed female individuals.

SETTING: Denmark.

SUBJECTS: Women born between June 1983 and August 1988, who gave birth to their first child at age 14·5-27·5 years (n 32 621).

RESULTS: OR (95 % CI) for pre-eclampsia among women exposed v. unexposed to extra vitamin D from fortification during fetal development was 0·86 (0·76, 0·97). Exposure to extra vitamin D was associated with further reduced odds of pre-eclampsia (0·49 (0·34, 0·72)) among current smokers, but not among former smokers and non-smokers.

CONCLUSIONS: Additional vitamin D in fetal life from food fortification seems to reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia later in life. The risk reduction may be particularly strong among women who smoke during pregnancy.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Public Health Nutrition
Vol/bind 21
Udgave nummer 4
Sider (fra-til) 721-731
Antal sider 11
ISSN 1368-9800
Status Udgivet - 24 mar. 2018

Extra vitamin D from fortification and the risk of preeclampsia: The D-tect Study

Stougaard, M., Damm, P., Frederiksen, P., Jacobsen, R. & Heitmann, B. L., 25 jan. 2018, I: P L o S One. 13, 1, s. e0191288

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

The objective of the study was to examine if exposure to extra vitamin D from food fortification was associated with a decrease in the risk of preeclampsia. The study was based on a natural experiment exploring the effect of the abolition of the Danish mandatory vitamin D fortification of margarine in 1985. The effect of the extra vitamin D (1.25μg vitamin D/100 g margarine) was examined by comparing preeclampsia risk in women who have been exposed or unexposed to extra vitamin D from the fortified margarine during pregnancy, and who gave birth in the period from June 1983 to August 1988. The Danish National Patient Registry allowed the identification of pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia. The study included 73,237 women who gave birth during 1983-1988. We found no association between exposure to vitamin D fortification during pregnancy and the risk of any of the pregnancy related hypertensive disorders, including preeclampsia: Odds ratios (OR, 95%) for all hypertensive pregnancy related disorders among exposed vs. unexposed women was (OR 1.04, 95%CI: 0.98,1.10). In conclusion, the extra vitamin D from the mandatory vitamin D fortification did not influence the risk of preeclampsia.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift P L o S One
Vol/bind 13
Udgave nummer 1
Sider (fra-til) e0191288
ISSN 1932-6203
Status Udgivet - 25 jan. 2018

Female reproductive history and risk of type 2 diabetes: A prospective analysis of 126 721 women

Pandeya, N., Huxley, R. R., Chung, H-F., Dobson, A. J., Kuh, D., Hardy, R., Cade, J. E., Greenwood, D. C., Giles, G. G., Bruinsma, F., Demakakos, P., Simonsen, M. K., Adami, H-O., Weiderpass, E. & Mishra, G. D., sep. 2018, I: Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. 20, 9, s. 2103-2112 10 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

AIM: To examine the prospective associations between aspects of a woman's reproductive history and incident diabetes.

METHODS: We pooled individual data from 126 721 middle-aged women from eight cohort studies contributing to the International Collaboration for a Life Course Approach to Reproductive Health and Chronic Disease Events (InterLACE). Associations between age at menarche, age at first birth, parity and menopausal status with incident diabetes were examined using generalized linear mixed models, with binomial distribution and robust variance. We stratified by body mass index (BMI) when there was evidence of a statistical interaction with BMI.

RESULTS: Over a median follow-up of 9 years, 4073 cases of diabetes were reported. Non-linear associations with diabetes were observed for age at menarche, parity and age at first birth. Compared with menarche at age 13 years, menarche at ≤10 years was associated with an 18% increased risk of diabetes (relative risk [RR] 1.18, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.02-1.37) after adjusting for BMI. After stratifying by BMI, the increased risk was only observed in women with a BMI ≥25 kg/m2 . A U-shaped relationship was observed between parity and risk of diabetes. Compared with pre-/peri-menopausal women, women with a hysterectomy/oophorectomy had an increased risk of diabetes (RR 1.17, 95% CI 1.07-1.29).

CONCLUSIONS: Several markers of a woman's reproductive history appear to be modestly associated with future risk of diabetes. Maintaining a normal weight in adult life may ameliorate any increase in risk conferred by early onset of menarche.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism
Vol/bind 20
Udgave nummer 9
Sider (fra-til) 2103-2112
Antal sider 10
ISSN 1462-8902
Status Udgivet - sep. 2018
