Published in 2019

Attribution of weight regain to emotional reasons amongst European adults with overweight and obesity who regained weight following a weight loss attempt

Sainsbury, K., Evans, E. H., Pedersen, S., Marques, M. M., Teixeira, P. J., Lähteenmäki, L., Stubbs, R. J., Heitmann, B. L. & Sniehotta, F. F., apr. 2019, I: Eating and Weight Disorders. 24, 2, s. 351-361 11 s.

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PURPOSE: Despite the wide availability of effective weight loss programmes, maintenance of weight loss remains challenging. Difficulties in emotion regulation are associated with binge eating and may represent one barrier to long-term intervention effectiveness in obesity. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between emotion regulation difficulties and the extent of weight regain in a sample of adults who had lost, and then regained, weight, and to examine the characteristics associated with emotional difficulties.

METHODS: 2000 adults from three European countries (UK, Portugal, and Denmark) completed an online survey assessing self-reported weight loss and regain following their most recent weight loss attempt. They also completed a binge eating disorder screening questionnaire and, if they had regained weight, were asked if they attributed it to any emotional factors (a proxy for emotion regulation difficulties). Spearman's correlations and logistic regression were used to assess the associations between emotion regulation, weight regain, and strategy use.

RESULTS: Emotion regulation difficulties were associated with greater weight regain (N = 1594 who lost and regained weight). Attribution to emotional reasons was associated with younger age, female gender, loss of control and binge eating, lower perceptions of success at maintenance, using more dietary and self-regulatory strategies in weight loss, and fewer dietary strategies in maintenance.

CONCLUSIONS: Weight-related emotion regulation difficulties are common amongst regainers and are associated with regaining more weight. Affected individuals are already making frequent use of behavioural strategies during weight loss, but do not apply these consistently beyond active attempts. Simply encouraging the use of more numerous strategies, without concurrently teaching emotion regulation skills, may not be an effective means to improving weight outcomes in this group.

LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level V, descriptive (cross-sectional) study.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Eating and Weight Disorders
Vol/bind 24
Udgave nummer 2
Sider (fra-til) 351-361
Antal sider 11
ISSN 1124-4909
Status Udgivet - apr. 2019

Azetidine-Containing Alkaloids Produced by a Quorum-Sensing Regulated Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase Pathway in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Hong, Z., Bolard, A., Giraud, C., Prévost, S., Genta-Jouve, G., Deregnaucourt, C., Häussler, S., Jeannot, K. & Li, Y., 4 mar. 2019, I: Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English). 58, 10, s. 3178-3182 5 s.

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BACTOME-a reference database to explore the sequence- and gene expression-variation landscape of Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates

Hornischer, K., Khaledi, A., Pohl, S., Schniederjans, M., Pezoldt, L., Casilag, F., Muthukumarasamy, U., Bruchmann, S., Thöming, J., Kordes, A. & Häussler, S., 8 jan. 2019, I: Nucleic Acids Research. 47, D1, s. D716-D720

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Barriers in pain treatment in the emergency and surgical department

Zachodnik, J., Andersen, J. H. & Geisler, A., feb. 2019, I: Danish Medical Journal. 66, 2

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Biomarkers of Whole-Grain and Cereal-Fiber Intake in Human Studies: A Systematic Review of the Available Evidence and Perspectives

Jawhara, M., Sørensen, S. B., Heitmann, B. L. & Andersen, V., 6 dec. 2019, I: Nutrients. 11, 12

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

High whole-grain consumption is related to better health outcomes. The specific physiological effect of these compounds is still unrevealed, partly because the accurate estimation of the intake of whole grains from dietary assessments is difficult and prone to bias, due to the complexity of the estimation of the intake by the consumer. A biomarker of whole-grain intake and type of whole-grain intake would be useful for quantifying the exposure to whole-grain intake. In this review, we aim to review the evidence on the potential biomarkers for whole-grain intake in the literature. We conducted a systematic search in Medline, Embase, Web of Science, and the Cochrane database. In total, 39 papers met the inclusion criteria following the PRISMA guidelines and were included. The relative validity, responsiveness, and reproducibility of these markers were assessed for short-, medium-, and long-term exposure as important criteria for the potential use of these biomarkers from a clinical and research perspective. We found three major groups of biomarkers: (1) alkylresorcinol, as well as its homologs and metabolites, assessed in plasma, adipose tissue biopsies, erythrocyte membranes, and urine; (2) avenacosides, assessed in urine samples; and (3) benzoxazinoid-derived phenylacetamide sulfates, assessed in blood and urine samples. The reviewed biomarkers may be used for improved assessment of associations between whole-grain intake and health outcomes.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Nutrients
Vol/bind 11
Udgave nummer 12
ISSN 2072-6643
Status Udgivet - 6 dec. 2019

Brain resting-state connectivity in the development of secondary hyperalgesia in healthy men

Hansen, M. S., Becerra, L., Dahl, J. B., Borsook, D., Mårtensson, J., Christensen, A., Nybing, J. D., Havsteen, I., Boesen, M. & Asghar, M. S., 1 apr. 2019, I: Brain structure & function. 224, 3, s. 1119-1139 21 s.

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Central sensitization is a condition in which there is an abnormal responsiveness to nociceptive stimuli. As such, the process may contribute to the development and maintenance of pain. Factors influencing the propensity for development of central sensitization have been a subject of intense debate and remain elusive. Injury-induced secondary hyperalgesia can be elicited by experimental pain models in humans, and is believed to be a result of central sensitization. Secondary hyperalgesia may thus reflect the individual level of central sensitization. The objective of this study was to investigate possible associations between increasing size of secondary hyperalgesia area and brain connectivity in known resting-state networks. We recruited 121 healthy participants (male, age 22, SD 3.35) who underwent resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging. Prior to the scan session, areas of secondary hyperalgesia following brief thermal sensitization (3 min. 45 °C heat stimulation) were evaluated in all participants. 115 participants were included in the final analysis. We found a positive correlation (increasing connectivity) with increasing area of secondary hyperalgesia in the sensorimotor- and default mode networks. We also observed a negative correlation (decreasing connectivity) with increasing secondary hyperalgesia area in the sensorimotor-, fronto-parietal-, and default mode networks. Our findings indicate that increasing area of secondary hyperalgesia is associated with increasing and decreasing connectivity in multiple networks, suggesting that differences in the propensity for central sensitization, assessed as secondary hyperalgesia areas, may be expressed as differences in the resting-state central neuronal activity.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Brain structure & function
Vol/bind 224
Udgave nummer 3
Sider (fra-til) 1119-1139
Antal sider 21
ISSN 0177-5154
Status Udgivet - 1 apr. 2019

Calcium and vitamin D supplementation and/or periodontal therapy in the treatment of periodontitis among Brazilian pregnant women: protocol of a feasibility randomised controlled trial (the IMPROVE trial)

Cocate, P. G., Kac, G., Heitmann, B. L., Nadanovsky, P., da Veiga Soares Carvalho, M. C., Benaim, C., Schlüssel, M. M., de Castro, M. B. T., Alves-Santos, N. H., Baptista, A. F., Holick, M. F., Mokhtar, R. R., Bomfim, A. R. & Adegboye, A. R. A., 2019, I: Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 5, s. 38

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Background: Periodontitis is a common oral inflammation, which is a risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes. Intakes of vitamin D and calcium are inversely associated with occurrence and progression of periodontitis. This study aims to assess the feasibility of a multi-component intervention, including provision of milk powder supplemented with calcium and vitamin D and periodontal therapy (PT), for improving maternal periodontal health and metabolic and inflammatory profiles of low-income Brazilian pregnant women with periodontitis.

Methods: The IMPROVE trial is a feasibility randomised controlled trial (RCT) with a 2 × 2 factorial design with a parallel process evaluation. Pregnant women with periodontitis, aged 18-40 years and with < 20 gestational weeks (n = 120) were recruited and randomly allocated into four groups: (1) fortified sachet (vitamin D and calcium) and powdered milk plus PT during pregnancy, (2) placebo sachet and powdered milk plus PT during pregnancy, (3) fortified sachet (vitamin D and calcium) and powdered milk plus PT after delivery and (4) placebo sachet and powdered milk plus PT after delivery. Dentists and participants are blinded to fortification. Acceptability of study design, recruitment strategy, random allocation, data collection procedures, recruitment rate, adherence and attrition rate will be evaluated. Data on serum levels of vitamin D, calcium and inflammatory biomarkers; clinical periodontal measurements; anthropometric measurements; and socio-demographic questionnaires are collected at baseline, third trimester and 6-8 weeks postpartum. Qualitative data are collected using focus group, for analysis of favourable factors and barriers related to study adherence.

Discussion: Oral health and mineral/vitamin supplementation are much overlooked in the public prenatal assistance in Brazil and of scarcity of clinical trials addressing these issues in low and middle-income countries,. To fill this gap the present study was designed to assess the feasibility of a RCT on acceptability of a multi-component intervention combining conventional periodontal treatment and consumption of milk fortified with calcium-vitamin D for improving periodontal conditions and maternal metabolic and inflammation status, among Brazilian low-income pregnant women with periodontitis. Thus, we hope that this relatively low-cost and safe multicomponent intervention can help reduce inflammation, improve maternal periodontal health and metabolic profile and consequently prevent negative gestational outcomes.

Trial registration: NCT, NCT03148483. Registered on May 11, 2017.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Pilot and Feasibility Studies
Vol/bind 5
Sider (fra-til) 38
ISSN 2055-5784
Status Udgivet - 2019

Can legal restrictions of prenatal exposure to industrial trans-fatty acids reduce risk of childhood hematopoietic neoplasms? A population-based study

Specht, I. O., Huybrechts, I., Frederiksen, P., Steliarova-Foucher, E., Chajes, V. & Heitmann, B. L., feb. 2019, I: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 73, 2, s. 311-318 8 s.

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BACKGROUND: Causes of most childhood hematopoietic neoplasms are unknown. Early age of occurrence suggests prenatal etiology. Positive associations have been reported between industrially produced trans-fatty acids (iTFAs) and risks of some cancers in adults. iTFAs are pro-inflammatory and adversely affect the beneficial effects of essential fatty acids, the latter is diminishing tumor growth. In 2004 Denmark legislated against the use of iTFA in foodstuffs. Using the entire population, we investigated if the changes in the legislation as a proxy to the reduced exposure to iTFA had affected the incidence of childhood hematopoietic neoplasms.

METHODS: We used a Cox proportional hazard model to compare the hazard of childhood hematopoietic neoplasms among children born before and after the iTFA ban, as a proxy for fetal iTFA exposure. To take the potential secular trend in hematopoietic neoplasms into account, we modeled the variation in cancer risk across birth cohorts by a piecewise linear spline with a knot in 2004, which allowed a comparison of the hazard of childhood hematopoietic neoplasms between the time before and after the iTFA ban.

RESULTS: Among children born in 1988-2008 in Denmark, 720 were diagnosed with hematopoietic neoplasms before the age of 7 years, corresponding to an overall incidence rate of 7.6 per 100 000 person years. The incidence rates increased by 2% per cohort in 1988-2004 (hazard ratio: 1.02 [1.01; 1.04]) and in 2004-2008 (hazard ratio: 1.02 [0.95; 1.11]).

CONCLUSIONS: No apparent benefit of the iTFA legislation in reducing childhood hematopoietic neoplasms was observed on population basis. Individual-level data are needed to investigate any possible associations between biomarkers of iTFA intake and risk of childhood hematopoietic neoplasms.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Vol/bind 73
Udgave nummer 2
Sider (fra-til) 311-318
Antal sider 8
ISSN 0954-3007
Status Udgivet - feb. 2019

Cancer immune therapy for the treatment of haematological malignancies

Holmström, M. O., Klausen, U., Jørgensen, N. G., Holmberg, S., Grauslund, J., Met, Ö., Svane, I. M., Pedersen, L. M., Knudsen, L. M., Hasselbalch, H. C. & Andersen, M. H., 4 mar. 2019, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 181, 10

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Cause-specific mortality in patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis

Skov, L., Thomsen, S. F., Kristensen, L. E., Dodge, R., Hedegaard, M. S. & Kjellberg, J., jan. 2019, I: British Journal of Dermatology. 180, 1, s. 100-107 8 s.

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BACKGROUND: There are limited data regarding causes of mortality in patients with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis (PsA).

OBJECTIVES: This retrospective cohort study evaluated the risk and leading causes of mortality in patients with psoriasis or PsA.

METHODS: Individuals with a hospital-based diagnosis of PsA or psoriasis were identified using the Danish National Patient Registry. Matched control individuals were identified from the general population. The main outcome measures were risk of death and cause-specific mortality in patients with psoriasis or PsA.

RESULTS: Death rates per 1000 patient-years (with 95% confidence intervals) vs. controls were 22·3 (19·7-24·9) vs. 13·9 (11·8-16·0) for patients with psoriasis and 10·8 (8·9-12·8) vs. 11·6 (9·6-13·6) for patients with PsA. Survival, according to stratified hazard ratios (HRs), was significantly lower in patients with psoriasis than in controls (HR 1·74, P < 0·001), but not in patients with PsA (HR 1·06, P = 0·19). Significantly increased risk of death was observed in patients with psoriasis vs. controls due to a number of causes; the highest risks were observed for diseases of the digestive system; endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases; and certain infectious and parasitic diseases (HRs 3·61, 3·02 and 2·71, respectively). In patients with PsA, increased mortality was observed only for certain infectious and parasitic diseases (HR 2·80) and diseases of the respiratory system (HR 1·46). Patients with psoriasis died at a younger age than controls (mean age 71·0 vs. 74·5 years, P < 0·001).

CONCLUSIONS: Patients with severe psoriasis have increased mortality risk compared with matched controls, due to a number of causes. Evidence to support an increased risk for patients with PsA was less convincing.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift British Journal of Dermatology
Vol/bind 180
Udgave nummer 1
Sider (fra-til) 100-107
Antal sider 8
ISSN 0007-0963
Status Udgivet - jan. 2019

Bibliografisk note

© 2018 British Association of Dermatologists.

Child behaviour and subsequent changes in body weight, composition and shape

Christensen, K. G., Nielsen, S. G., Olsen, N. J., Dalgård, C., Heitmann, B. L. & Larsen, S. C., 2019, I: PLoS One. 14, 12, s. e0226003

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OBJECTIVE: Studies have found an association between child behavioural problems and overweight, but the existing evidence for this relationship is inconsistent, and results from longitudinal studies are sparse. Thus, we examined the association between behavioural problems and subsequent changes in body mass index (BMI) and anthropometry over a follow-up period of 1.3 years among children aged 2-6 years.

DESIGN: The study was based on a total of 345 children from The Healthy Start Study; all children were healthy weight but predisposed to develop overweight. The Danish version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), classified as SDQ Total Difficulties (SDQ-TD) and SDQ Prosocial Behaviour (SDQ-PSB), was used to assess child behaviour. Linear regression analyses were used to examine associations between SDQ scores and subsequent change in BMI z-score, body fat percentage, waist circumference and waist-hip ratio, while taking possible confounding factors into account.

RESULTS: We found an association between SDQ-PSB and subsequent change in BMI z-score (β: 0.040 [95% CI: 0.010; 0.071, p = 0.009]). However, there was no evidence of an association between SDQ-PSB and measures of body composition or body shape.

CONCLUSIONS: Among 2 to 6 years old children predisposed to overweight, the association between SDQ-scores and weight gain is either absent or marginal. The SDQ-PSB score may be associated with subsequent increases in BMI z-score, but this association does not seem driven by an increased relative fat accumulation.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift PLoS One
Vol/bind 14
Udgave nummer 12
Sider (fra-til) e0226003
ISSN 1932-6203
Status Udgivet - 2019

Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy

Müller, K., Ifversen, M., Kielsen, K., Petersen, S. L., Met, Ö. & Svane, I. M., 14 okt. 2019, I: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 181, 20

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Compliance with the Very Integrated Program (VIP) for Smoking Cessation, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Comorbidity Education Among Patients in Treatment for Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Hovhannisyan, K., Günther, M., Raffing, R., Wikström, M., Adami, J. & Tønnesen, H., 28 jun. 2019, I: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16, 13, s. E2285 2285.

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Meeting adherence is an important element of compliance in treatment programmes. It is influenced by several factors one being self-efficacy. We aimed to investigate the association between self-efficacy and meeting adherence and other factors of importance for adherence among patients with alcohol and drug addiction who were undergoing an intensive lifestyle intervention. The intervention consisted of a 6-week Very Integrated Programme. High meeting adherence was defined as >75% participation. The association between self-efficacy and meeting adherence were analysed. The qualitative analyses identified themes important for the patients and were performed as text condensation. High self-efficacy was associated with high meeting adherence (ρ = 0.24, p = 0.03). In the multivariate analyses two variables were significant: avoid complications (OR: 0.51, 95% CI: 0.29-0.90) and self-efficacy (OR: 1.28, 95% CI: 1.00-1.63). Reflections on lifestyle change resulted in the themes of Health and Wellbeing, Personal Economy, Acceptance of Change, and Emotions Related to Lifestyle Change. A higher level of self-efficacy was positively associated with meeting adherence. Patients score high on avoiding complications but then adherence to the intervention drops. There was no difference in the reflections on lifestyle change between the group with high adherence and the group with low adherence.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Artikelnummer 2285
Tidsskrift International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Vol/bind 16
Udgave nummer 13
Sider (fra-til) E2285
ISSN 1661-7827
Status Udgivet - 28 jun. 2019

Continuous glucose monitoring in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes: an observational cohort study of 186 pregnancies

Kristensen, K., Ögge, L. E., Sengpiel, V., Kjölhede, K., Dotevall, A., Elfvin, A., Knop, F. K., Wiberg, N., Katsarou, A., Shaat, N., Kristensen, L. & Berntorp, K., jul. 2019, I: Diabetologia. 62, 7, s. 1143-1153 11 s.

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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: The aim of this study was to analyse patterns of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) data for associations with large for gestational age (LGA) infants and an adverse neonatal composite outcome (NCO) in pregnancies in women with type 1 diabetes.

METHODS: This was an observational cohort study of 186 pregnant women with type 1 diabetes in Sweden. The interstitial glucose readings from 92 real-time (rt) CGM and 94 intermittently viewed (i) CGM devices were used to calculate mean glucose, SD, CV%, time spent in target range (3.5-7.8 mmol/l), mean amplitude of glucose excursions and also high and low blood glucose indices (HBGI and LBGI, respectively). Electronic records provided information on maternal demographics and neonatal outcomes. Associations between CGM indices and neonatal outcomes were analysed by stepwise logistic regression analysis adjusted for confounders.

RESULTS: The number of infants born LGA was similar in rtCGM and iCGM users (52% vs 53%). In the combined group, elevated mean glucose levels in the second and the third trimester were significantly associated with LGA (OR 1.53, 95% CI 1.12, 2.08, and OR 1.57, 95% CI 1.12, 2.19, respectively). Furthermore, a high percentage of time in target in the second and the third trimester was associated with lower risk of LGA (OR 0.96, 95% CI 0.94, 0.99 and OR 0.97, 95% CI 0.95, 1.00, respectively). The same associations were found for mean glucose and for time in target and the risk of NCO in all trimesters. SD was significantly associated with LGA in the second trimester and with NCO in the third trimester. Glucose patterns did not differ between rtCGM and iCGM users except that rtCGM users had lower LBGI and spent less time below target.

CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Higher mean glucose levels, higher SD and less time in target range were associated with increased risk of LGA and NCO. Despite the use of CGM throughout pregnancy, the day-to-day glucose control was not optimal and the incidence of LGA remained high.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Diabetologia
Vol/bind 62
Udgave nummer 7
Sider (fra-til) 1143-1153
Antal sider 11
ISSN 0012-186X
Status Udgivet - jul. 2019

Core Outcome Sets Specifically for Longterm Observational Studies: OMERACT Special Interest Group Update in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Lopez-Olivo, M. A., Negrón, J. B., Zogala, R. J., Carmona, L., Criner, K., Goel, N., Gonzalez-Lopez, L., Ingegnoli, F., Leong, A., March, L., Shea, B., Strand, V., Tugwell, P., Westrich-Robertson, T., Zamora, N. V., Christensen, R. & Suarez-Almazor, M. E., sep. 2019, I: Journal of Rheumatology. 46, 9, s. 1164-1167 4 s.

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OBJECTIVE: This is an update from the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) Core Outcomes in Longterm Observational Studies Special Interest Group with a focus on rheumatoid arthritis.

METHODS: Preliminary data and proposed next steps were outlined and discussed by participants.

RESULTS: Domains identified after initial steps (systematic review and qualitative research) were pain, physical functioning, participation (i.e., work, social), longterm symptoms, fertility/family planning, emotional well-being, coping, financial status, and adverse events including death.

CONCLUSION: The group agreed conceptually that short-term core outcomes could be different from longer term ones. Participants emphasized the importance of analyzing the need for core domains specifically for longterm longitudinal observational studies.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Journal of Rheumatology
Vol/bind 46
Udgave nummer 9
Sider (fra-til) 1164-1167
Antal sider 4
ISSN 0315-162X
Status Udgivet - sep. 2019

Corrigendum to "The complexity of self-regulating food intake in weight loss maintenance. A qualitative study among short- and long-term weight loss maintainers" [Soc. Sci. Med. 208 (2018) 18-24]

Pedersen, S., Sniehotta, F. F., Sainsbury, K., Evans, E. H., Marques, M. M., Stubbs, R. J., Heitmann, B. L. & Lähteenmäki, L., nov. 2019, I: Social science & medicine (1982). 241, s. 112581

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Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Social science & medicine (1982)
Vol/bind 241
Sider (fra-til) 112581
ISSN 0277-9536
Status Udgivet - nov. 2019

Current state of evidence for endolymphatic sac surgery in Menière's disease: a systematic review

Devantier, L., Schmidt, J. H., Djurhuus, B. D., Hougaard, D. D., Händel, M. N., Liviu-Adelin Guldfred, F. & Edemann-Callesen, H., nov. 2019, I: Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 139, 11, s. 953-958 6 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

Background: Endolymphatic sac surgery is an invasive procedure recommended to patients with Menière's disease. Aims/Objectives: To provide an overview and quality assessment of the existing evidence and to provide an updated assessment of the utility of endolymphatic sac surgery in Menière's disease. Material and Methods: We performed a systematic literature search for systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The AMSTAR tool was used to assess the quality of systematic reviews and the Cochrane risk of bias tool for RCTs. The overall certainty of effects for the individual outcomes was evaluated using the GRADE approach. Results: One systematic review of high quality matched the inclusion criteria, and included three RCTs. An updated literature search from the last search date of the included review provided no further relevant RCTs. The identified RCTs individually reported a positive effect of both the placebo and active treatment groups following surgery, strongly indicative of a placebo effect. The overall certainty of the effect was very low. Conclusions and significance: There is still a lack of high-quality research suggesting that endolymphatic sac surgery provides a significant amount of symptomatic relief for Menière's patients.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Acta Oto-Laryngologica
Vol/bind 139
Udgave nummer 11
Sider (fra-til) 953-958
Antal sider 6
ISSN 0001-6489
Status Udgivet - nov. 2019

Detrimental Effect of Type I IFNs During Acute Lung Infection With Pseudomonas aeruginosa Is Mediated Through the Stimulation of Neutrophil NETosis

Pylaeva, E., Bordbari, S., Spyra, I., Decker, A. S., Häussler, S., Vybornov, V., Lang, S. & Jablonska, J., 2019, I: Frontiers in Immunology. 10, s. 2190

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Development of a prediction model for 30-day acute readmissions among older medical patients: the influence of social factors along with other patient-specific and organisational factors

Lehn, S. F., Zwisler, A-D., Pedersen, S. G. H., Gjørup, T. & Thygesen, L. C., 2019, I: BMJ Open Quality. 8, 2, s. e000544

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Development of HiSQOL: A Hidradenitis Suppurativa-Specific Quality of Life Instrument

Thorlacius, L., Esmann, S., Miller, I., Vinding, G. & Jemec, G. B. E., 1 jun. 2019, I: Skin appendage disorders. 5, 4, s. 221-229 9 s.

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Background: Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic and painful skin disease. In addition, HS lesions may be associated with pus and odour, potentially leading to significant stigma and, consequently, greatly affected quality of life (QOL). QOL is a multidimensional construct, which can be measured in various ways. However, generic or dermatologic QOL measures may not capture changes in QOL particularly affected in HS. Accordingly, patients and experts included in the HIdradenitis SuppuraTiva cORe outcomes set International Collaboration (HISTORIC) agreed that future clinical HS trials should measure HS-specific QOL.

Objectives: To develop an HS-specific QOL instrument (HiSQOL, Hidradenitis Suppurativa Quality of life).

Method: The initial phases of the questionnaire development, described in this study, included item generation by patient interviews, development of a pilot questionnaire, questionnaire refinement, and pilot testing.

Results: For item generation, 21 patients were interviewed individually or in focus groups. Analysis of the interviews identified 105 candidate items and, next, a pilot questionnaire was developed. Finally, item reduction and two rounds of pilot testing resulted in a 23-item questionnaire representing physical, psychological, and social QOL dimensions.

Conclusions: We have comprehensively explored on HS's possible effect on the QOL of the affected individuals and identified a 23-item HS-specific QOL questionnaire. The questionnaire proved to be feasible, acceptable, and comprehensible in the second round of pilot testing. With HiSQOL, researchers can measure HS-specific QOL in future clinical trials, potentially enabling them to discover more effective treatment options. It is envisaged, that after thorough validation in a trial setting, a streamlined version of HISQOL may also become available for clinical use in daily practice.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Skin appendage disorders
Vol/bind 5
Udgave nummer 4
Sider (fra-til) 221-229
Antal sider 9
ISSN 2296-9195
Status Udgivet - 1 jun. 2019
