Published in 2020

Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms in axial spondyloarthritis more common than among healthy controls: is it an overlooked comorbidity?

Wallman, J. K., Mogard, E., Marsal, J., Andréasson, K., Jöud, A., Geijer, M., Kristensen, L. E., Lindqvist, E. & Olofsson, T., 1 jan. 2020, I: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 79, 1, s. 159-161 3 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftLetterpeer review

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Vol/bind 79
Udgave nummer 1
Sider (fra-til) 159-161
Antal sider 3
ISSN 0003-4967
Status Udgivet - 1 jan. 2020

Less Severe Preoperative Synovitis is Associated With Higher Self-reported Pain Intensity 12 Months After Total Knee Arthroplasty-An Exploratory Prospective Observational Study

Petersen, K. K., Arendt-Nielsen, L., Vela, J., Skou, S. T., Eld, M., Al-Mashkur, N. M., Boesen, M., Riis, R. G. C. & Simonsen, O., jan. 2020, I: The Clinical journal of pain. 36, 1, s. 34-40 7 s.

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OBJECTIVES: Synovitis is one of the possible pain generators in osteoarthritis (OA) and is associated with upregulation of proinflammatory cytokines, which can lead to worsening of the postoperative pain. This exploratory study aimed to investigate the association between perioperative synovitis and self-reported pain 12 months after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in patients with OA.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-six knee OA patients were included in this analysis. The perioperative volume of synovitis in predefined locations was assessed by contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (CE-MRI) and dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI). Perioperative synovitis was assessed histologically from biopsies of the synovium. Highest pain intensity within the last 24 hours (Visual Analog Scale, VAS, 0 to 100) was assessed before and 12 months after TKA. Patients were divided into a low-pain intensity (VAS≤30) and a high-pain intensity (VAS>30) group on the basis of 12 months postoperative VAS.

RESULTS: The high-pain intensity group had significantly lower perioperative contrast-enhanced-synovitis (P=0.025), DCE-synovitis (P<0.04), and a trend toward lower histologically assessed synovitis (P=0.077) compared with the low-pain intensity group. Perioperative synovitis scores were inversely correlated with pain intensity 12 months after TKA (P<0.05), indicating that more severe perioperative synovitis is associated with less severe pain intensity at 12 months.

DISCUSSION: Higher degrees of perioperative synovitis scores are found to be associated with less postoperative pain 12 months after TKA. Further, correlation analysis revealed that less severe perioperative CE-MRI and DCE-MRI synovitis was associated with higher pain intensity 12 months after TKA, suggesting that CE-MRI and DCE-MRI synovitis grades could be used as imaging markers for prediction of chronic postoperative pain after TKA.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift The Clinical journal of pain
Vol/bind 36
Udgave nummer 1
Sider (fra-til) 34-40
Antal sider 7
ISSN 0749-8047
Status Udgivet - jan. 2020

Lessons learned about occupation-focused and occupation-based interventions: A synthesis using group concept mapping methodology

Nielsen, K. T., la Cour, K., Christensen, J. R., Pilegaard, M. S., von Bülow, C., Brandt, Å., Peoples, H., Jonsson, H. & Wæhrens, E. E., okt. 2020, I: Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 27, 7, s. 481-492 12 s.

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Introduction: Occupational therapy (OT) is based on the core assumption that humans are active beings through engagement in occupations. Within OT, occupation is typically used as primary means and/or ends i.e. occupation-focused and/or occupation-based interventions are employed. Studies evaluating such interventions are limited.Objectives: To synthesize experiences about occupation-focused and/or occupation-based interventions. Hence, to identify, organize and prioritize experiences with employing occupation as a core element in OT intervention studies.Methods: Participants were OT PhD students and researchers involved in studies concerning occupation-focused and/or occupation-based interventions. Group Concept Mapping was applied.Results: Based on 133 ideas, a conceptual model emerged encompassing two overall dimensions concerning 'developing interventions' and 'planning intervention studies', respectively. Moreover, ten themes related to one or both dimensions were defined and 94 ideas across clusters had high importance ratings.Conclusion: Synthesis of participants' experiences indicates that 'doing' as agent of change is a core element of OT interventions. Moreover, a multi-level perspective is needed to reach sustainable changes in doing. Group- and peer-support can work as amplifier for change, and flexibility is important during intervention. Such complex interventions need special design and mixed methods in the development, and evaluation of outcome needs to address occupation.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Vol/bind 27
Udgave nummer 7
Sider (fra-til) 481-492
Antal sider 12
ISSN 1103-8128
Status Udgivet - okt. 2020

Levels and changes in body mass index decomposed into fat and fat-free mass index: relation to long-term all-cause mortality in the general population

Sørensen, T. I. A., Frederiksen, P. & Heitmann, B. L., okt. 2020, I: International journal of obesity (2005). 44, 10, s. 2092-2100 9 s.

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BACKGROUND: In the general population, body mass index (BMI = weight (kg)/(height (m))2) shows a U-shaped relation to mortality, which is attributable to a combination of an inverse association with fat-free mass index (FFMI) and a direct association with fat mass index (FMI). However, preceding changes in body composition related to diseases, health behaviors, or social conditions that are also influencing later mortality may confound these associations.

OBJECTIVE: To examine associations of FFMI and FMI, adjusted for preceding changes in FFMI and FMI over a 6 years period, with all-cause mortality in a healthy general population.

METHODS: The study population was a random subset of adult Danes, participating in the Danish MONICA project; 989 men and 962 women, born 1922, 1932, 1942, and 1952, and examined in 1987-88 and 1993-94. They had no known major co-morbidities until start of follow-up in 1993-94, and were followed up for 18 years. Measures included height, weight, and bio-impedance, from which BMI, FFMI, and FMI were calculated, and information on educational level, smoking, alcohol drinking, leisure-time physical activity, which were obtained by questionnaires. We analyzed the relation between body composition and all-cause mortality by Cox proportional hazards model with splines, stratified by birth cohorts, and with adjustment for preceding changes in body composition and for the covariates including gender. We estimated hazard ratios (HR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) relative to HR = 1.00 at the median values of BMI, FMI, and FFMI.

RESULTS: During 18 years of follow-up, 286 men and 200 women died. BMI showed the well-known U-shaped association with mortality, and FMI was directly and FFMI inversely associated with mortality. Associations were not significantly modified by gender. Preceding changes in BMI, FMI, and FFMI were only weakly and not significantly associated with mortality. Associations for FMI and FFMI were monotonic, but curve-linear with a higher mortality above and below the respective median values of FMI and FFMI: at the 5th percentiles of FMI and FFMI, HRs were 0.80 (CI 0.57-1.13) and 2.01 (1.24-3.27), and at the 95th percentiles, HRs were 2.16 (1.38-3.38) and 0.81 (0.52-1.27), respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: In an apparently healthy general population, a large fat mass and a small fat-free mass are associated with greater risk of early mortality, also after adjusting for preceding changes in body composition, health behaviors, and educational level.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift International journal of obesity (2005)
Vol/bind 44
Udgave nummer 10
Sider (fra-til) 2092-2100
Antal sider 9
ISSN 0307-0565
Status Udgivet - okt. 2020

Long-term exposure to air pollution and incidence of myocardial infacrtion: a Danish Nurse Cohort study

Cramer, J., Jørgensen, J. T., Hoffmann, B., Loft, S., Bräuner, E., Prescott, E., Ketzel, M., Hertel, O., Brandt, J., Jensen, S., Backalarz, C., Simonsen, M. K. & Andersen, Z. J., 2020, I : Environmental Health Perspectives. DOI 10.1289/EHP5818.

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Originalsprog Engelsk
Artikelnummer DOI 10.1289/EHP5818
Tidsskrift Environmental Health Perspectives
ISSN 0091-6765
Status Udgivet - 2020

Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollution and Incidence of Myocardial Infarction: A Danish Nurse Cohort Study

Cramer, J., Jørgensen, J. T., Hoffmann, B., Loft, S., Bräuner, E. V., Prescott, E., Ketzel, M., Hertel, O., Brandt, J., Jensen, S. S., Backalarz, C., Simonsen, M. K. & Andersen, Z. J., maj 2020, I: Environmental Health Perspectives. 128, 5, s. 57003

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BACKGROUND: Air pollution exposure has been linked to coronary heart disease, although evidence on



and myocardial infarction (MI) incidence is mixed.

OBJECTIVES: This prospective cohort study aimed to investigate associations between long-term exposure to air pollution and MI incidence, adjusting for road traffic noise.

METHODS: We used data from the nationwide Danish Nurse Cohort on 22,882 female nurses (


of age) who, at recruitment in 1993 or 1999, reported information on cardiovascular disease risk factors. Data on MI incidence was collected from the Danish National Patient Register until the end of 2014. Annual mean concentrations of particulate matter (PM) with a diameter











, nitrogen dioxide (



), and nitrogen oxides (



) at the nurses' residences since 1990 (






) or 1970 (






) were estimated using the Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model/Urban Background Model/AirGIS (DEHM/UBM/AirGIS) dispersion model. We used time-varying Cox regression models to examine the association between 1- and 3-y running means of these pollutants, as well as 23-y running means of






, with both overall and fatal incident MI. Associations were explored in three progressively adjusted models: Model 1, adjusted for age and baseline year; Model 2, with further adjustment for potential confounding by lifestyle and cardiovascular disease risk factors; and Model 3, with further adjustment for road traffic noise, modeled as the annual mean of a weighted 24-h average (




RESULTS: Of the 22,882 women, 641 developed MI during a mean follow-up of 18.6 y, 121 (18.9%) of which were fatal. Reported hazard ratios (HRs) were based on interquartile range increases of 5.3, 5.5, 8.1, and














, and



, respectively. In Model 1, we observed a positive association between a 3-y running mean of



and an overall incident MI with an


 1.20 (95% CI: 1.07, 1.35), which attenuated to


 1.06 (95% CI: 0.92, 1.23) in Model 2. In Model 1 for incident fatal MI, we observed a strong association with a 3-y running mean of



, with an


 1.69 (95% CI: 1.33, 2.13), which attenuated to


 1.35 (95% CI: 1.01, 1.81) in Model 2. Similar associations were seen for



, with 3-y, Model 2 estimates for overall and fatal incident MI of


 1.06 (95% CI: 0.91, 1.23) and


 1.35 (95% CI: 1.01, 1.81), respectively. No evidence of an association was observed for






. For all pollutants, associations in Model 2 were robust to further adjustment for road traffic noise in Model 3 and were similar for a 1-y running mean exposure.

CONCLUSIONS: We found no association between long-term exposure to









, or



and overall MI incidence, but we observed positive associations for






with fatal MI. We present novel findings that the association between PM and MI incidence is robust to adjustment for road traffic noise.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Environmental Health Perspectives
Vol/bind 128
Udgave nummer 5
Sider (fra-til) 57003
ISSN 0091-6765
Status Udgivet - maj 2020

Long-term exposure to air pollution and stroke incidence: A Danish Nurse cohort study

Amini, H., Dehlendorff, C., Lim, Y. H., Mehta, A., Jørgensen, J. T., Mortensen, L. H., Westendorp, R., Hoffmann, B., Loft, S., Cole-Hunter, T., Bräuner, E. V., Ketzel, M., Hertel, O., Brandt, J., Solvang Jensen, S., Christensen, J. H., Geels, C., Frohn, L. M., Backalarz, C., Simonsen, M. K., & 1 flereAndersen, Z. J., 1 sep. 2020, I: Environment International. 142, s. 105891 105891.

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Ambient air pollution has been linked to stroke, but few studies have examined in detail stroke subtypes and confounding by road traffic noise, which was recently associated with stroke. Here we examined the association between long-term exposure to air pollution and incidence of stroke (overall, ischemic, hemorrhagic), adjusting for road traffic noise. In a nationwide Danish Nurse Cohort consisting of 23,423 nurses, recruited in 1993 or 1999, we identified 1,078 incident cases of stroke (944 ischemic and 134 hemorrhagic) up to December 31, 2014, defined as first-ever hospital contact. The full residential address histories since 1970 were obtained for each participant and the annual means of air pollutants (particulate matter with diameter < 2.5 µm and < 10 µm (PM
2.5 and PM
10), nitrogen dioxide (NO
2), nitrogen oxides (NOx)) and road traffic noise were determined using validated models. Time-varying Cox regression models were used to estimate hazard ratios (HR) (95% confidence intervals (CI)) for the associations of one-, three, and 23-year running mean of air pollutants with stroke adjusting for potential confounders and noise. In fully adjusted models, the HRs (95% CI) per interquartile range increase in one-year running mean of PM
2.5 and overall, ischemic, and hemorrhagic stroke were 1.12 (1.01-1.25), 1.13 (1.01-1.26), and 1.07 (0.80-1.44), respectively, and remained unchanged after adjustment for noise. Long-term exposure to ambient PM
2.5 was associated with the risk of stroke independent of road traffic noise.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Artikelnummer 105891
Tidsskrift Environment International
Vol/bind 142
Sider (fra-til) 105891
ISSN 0160-4120
Status Udgivet - 1 sep. 2020

BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: To investigate the associations between indicators of obesity and fat distribution, such as body mass index (BMI), fat mass, and skinfold measures during preschool age, and attained height at school entry.

SUBJECTS/METHODS: The Healthy Start primary intervention study comprised 1100 obesity-prone preschool children from the greater Copenhagen area, with a mean [standard deviation (SD)] age of 4.0 (1.1) years at baseline. Anthropometry was measured by trained health professionals at baseline (preschool age) and follow-up height at school entry was gathered by school nurses. Prospective associations between body fat measures and later attained height were examined using generalized linear models with adjustments for potential confounders.

RESULTS: Greater adiposity at preschool age was directly associated with a higher attained height at follow-up at school-age, when adjusting for confounders. A baseline difference of one BMI unit was associated with a greater attained height of 0.8 cm [(95% confidence interval (CI) 0.5; 1.2]. Furthermore, a difference of 1 mm in the sum of four skinfolds measured at baseline was associated with a greater attained height of 0.1 cm (95% CI 0.03; 0.2) at follow-up. Children with overweight or obesity at baseline attained a significantly higher height of 2.9 (95% CI 1.6; 4.1) cm at follow-up after full adjustment than normal weight children.

CONCLUSIONS: Our results supports that greater adiposity at preschool age is associated with greater tallness. Although a greater height is assumed to be desirable, accelerated growth in childhood may in itself be a risk factor for obesity later in life.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Vol/bind 74
Udgave nummer 3
Sider (fra-til) 465-471
Antal sider 7
ISSN 0954-3007
Status Udgivet - mar. 2020

Low-Dose Naltrexone for the Treatment of Fibromyalgia: Investigation of Dose-Response Relationships

Bruun-Plesner, K., Blichfeldt-Eckhardt, M. R., Vaegter, H. B., Lauridsen, J. T., Amris, K. & Toft, P., 1 okt. 2020, I: Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.). 21, 10, s. 2253-2261 9 s.

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OBJECTIVE: This study explores dose-response relationships when treating fibromyalgia with low-dose naltrexone.

DESIGN: A single-blinded clinical trial was carried out using the "up-and-down" method.

SUBJECTS: Subjects included women with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia aged 18-60 years who had been referred to treatment at a public pain clinic at a Danish university hospital.

METHODS: The test doses were in the range 0.75-6 mg, and the dosing interval was 0.75 mg. The method was sequential and allowed predicting the dose effective in 50% (ED50) and 95% (ED95) of the subjects when the dose had shifted direction 10 times, and six pairs of "up-and-down" data were available.

RESULTS: A total of 27 subjects were included in the study; two subjects were withdrawn. After inclusion of 25 evaluable subjects, the dose estimates were calculated as 3.88 mg for ED50 and 5.40 mg for ED95. As a secondary outcome, the effects on 10 common fibromyalgia symptoms were evaluated. A high interindividual variation was observed both in the symptom presentation at baseline and in which symptoms were reduced by low-dose naltrexone.

CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first to explore dose-response relationships in the treatment of fibromyalgia with low-dose naltrexone. Future placebo-controlled randomized clinical trials are needed, and according to our findings, 4.5 mg, which has previously been used, seems to be a relevant test dose. We recommend that future studies include additional nonpain fibromyalgia symptoms as outcome measures.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.)
Vol/bind 21
Udgave nummer 10
Sider (fra-til) 2253-2261
Antal sider 9
ISSN 1526-2375
Status Udgivet - 1 okt. 2020

Bibliografisk note

© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Academy of Pain Medicine.All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

Lysbehandling i hjemmet giver familien ro

Neergaard Larsen, J., mar. 2020, I: Fag & forskning: Sygeplejersken. 3, 2020 nr. 3

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelFormidling

Management of Osteoporosis in Patients Living With HIV-A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Starup-Linde, J., Rosendahl, S. B., Storgaard, M. & Langdahl, B., 1 jan. 2020, I: Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999). 83, 1, s. 1-8 8 s.

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Measuring next of kin's experience of participation in the care of older people in nursing homes

Westergren, A., Behm, L., Lindhardt, T., Persson, M. & Ahlström, G., 2020, I: PLoS One. 15, 1, s. e0228379

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BACKGROUND: We aimed to synthesise qualitative studies exploring medication-related experiences of polypharmacy among patients with multimorbidity.

METHODS: We systematically searched PubMed, Embase and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature in February 2020 for primary, peer-reviewed qualitative studies about multimorbid patients' medication-related experiences with polypharmacy, defined as the use of four or more medications. Identified studies were appraised for methodological quality by applying the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme checklist for qualitative research, and data were extracted and synthesised by the meta-aggregation approach.

RESULTS: We included 13 qualitative studies, representing 499 patients with polypharmacy and a wide range of chronic conditions. Overall, most Critical Appraisal Skills Programme items were reported in the studies. We extracted 140 findings, synthesised these into 17 categories, and developed five interrelated syntheses: (1) patients with polypharmacy are a heterogeneous group in terms of needing and appraising medication information; (2) patients are aware of the importance of medication adherence, but it is difficult to achieve; (3) decision-making about medications is complex; (4) multiple relational factors affect communication between patients and physicians, and these factors can prevent patients from disclosing important information; and (5) polypharmacy affects patients' lives and self-perception, and challenges with polypharmacy are not limited to practical issues of medication-taking.

DISCUSSION: Polypharmacy poses many challenges to patients, which have a negative impact on quality of life and adherence. Thus, when dealing with polypharmacy patients, it is crucial that healthcare professionals actively solicit individual patients' perspectives on challenges related to polypharmacy. Based on the reported experiences, we recommend that healthcare professionals upscale communicative efforts and involve patients' social network on an individualised basis to facilitate shared decision-making and treatment adherence in multimorbidpatients with polypharmacy.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift BMJ Open
Vol/bind 10
Udgave nummer 9
Sider (fra-til) e036158
ISSN 2044-6055
Status Udgivet - 6 sep. 2020

Bibliografisk note

© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.

MicroRNA In Situ Hybridization in Paraffin-Embedded Cultured Cells

James, J. P., Johnsen, L., Møller, T. & Nielsen, B. S., 2020, I: Methods in Molecular Biology. 2148, s. 99-110 12 s.

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Motion-Based Technology for People With Dementia Training at Home: Three-Phase Pilot Study Assessing Feasibility and Efficacy

Petersen, J. D., Larsen, E. L., la Cour, K., von Bülow, C., Skouboe, M., Christensen, J. R. & Waldorff, F. B., 26 aug. 2020, I: JMIR mental health. 7, 8, s. e19495

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BACKGROUND: Persons with dementia tend to be vulnerable to mobility challenges and hence face a greater risk of fall and subsequent fractures, morbidity, and mortality. Motion-based technologies (MBTs), also called sensor-based technologies or virtual reality, have the potential for assisting physical exercise and training as a part of a disease management and rehabilitation program, but little is known about its' use for people with dementia.

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate the feasibility and efficacy of MBT physical training at home for people with dementia.

METHODS: A 3-phase pilot study: (1) baseline start-up, (2) 15 weeks of group training at a local care center twice a week, and (3) 12 weeks of group training reduced to once a week, supplemented with individual MBT training twice a week at home. A total of 26 people with dementia from a municipality in Southern Denmark were eligible and agreed to participate in this study. Three withdrew from the study, leaving 23 participants for the final analysis. Feasibility was measured by the percentage of participants who trained with MBT at home, and their completion rate of total scheduled MBT sessions. Efficacy was evaluated by physical function, measured by Sit-to-Stand (STS), Timed-Up-and-Go (TUG), 6-minute Walk Test (6MW), and 10-meter Dual-task Walking Test (10MDW); cognitive function was measured by Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Neuropsychiatric Inventory-Questionnaire (NPI-Q); and European Quality of Life 5 dimensions questionnaire (EQOL5) was used for measuring quality of life. Descriptive statistics were applied accordingly. Wilcoxon signed-rank and rank-sum tests were applied to explore significant differences within and between the groups.

RESULTS: As much as 12 of 23 participants (52%) used the supplemental MBT training at home. Among them, 6 (50%) completed 75% or more scheduled sessions, 3 completed 25% or less, and 3 completed between 25% and 75% of scheduled sessions. For physical and cognitive function tests, supplementing with MBT training at home showed a tendency of overall stabilization of scores among the group of participants who actively trained with MBT; especially, the 10MDW test even showed a significant improvement from 9.2 to 7.1 seconds (P=.03). We found no positive effect on EQOL5 tests.

CONCLUSIONS: More than half of the study population with dementia used MBT training at home, and among them, half had an overall high adherence to the home training activity. Physical function tended to remain stable or even improved among high-adherence MBT individuals. We conclude that MBT training at home may be feasible for some individuals with dementia. Further research is warranted.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift JMIR mental health
Vol/bind 7
Udgave nummer 8
Sider (fra-til) e19495
ISSN 2368-7959
Status Udgivet - 26 aug. 2020

Mucoide cyster på fingrene

Bartels, E. M., 2020, I: Ugerskrift for Læger. v02200110

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Originalsprog Dansk
Tidsskrift Ugerskrift for Læger
Vol/bind v02200110
ISSN 0041-5782
Status Udgivet - 2020

Multi-frequency bioimpedance: a non-invasive tool for muscle-health assessment of adults with cerebral palsy

Pingel, J., Harrison, A., Von Walden, F., Hjalmarsson, E. & Bartels, E. M., sep. 2020, I: Journal of muscle research and cell motility. 41, 2-3, s. 211-219 9 s.

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Muscle contracture development is a major complication for individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) and has lifelong implications. In order to recognize contracture development early and to follow up on preventive interventions aimed at muscle health development, non-invasive, and easy to use methods are needed. The aim of the present study was to assess whether multi-frequency Bioimpedance (mfBIA) can be used to detect differences between skeletal muscle of individuals with CP and healthy controls. The mfBIA technique was applied to the medial gastrocnemius muscle of n = 24 adults with CP and n = 20 healthy controls of both genders. The phase angle (PA) and the centre frequency (fc) were significantly lower in individuals with CP when compared to controls; PA: - 25% for women and - 31.8% for men (P < 0.0001); fc: - 5.6% for women and - 5.2% for men (P < 0.009). The reactance (Xc) and the extracellular resistance (Re) of skeletal muscle from individuals with CP were significantly higher when compared to controls; Xc: + 9.9% for women and + 28.9% for men (P < 0.0001); Re: + 39.7% for women and + 91.2% for men (P < 0.0001). The present study shows that several mfBIA parameters differ significantly between individuals with CP and healthy controls. Furthermore, these changes correlated significantly with the severity of CP, as assessed using the GMFCS scale. The present data indicate that mfBIA shows promise in terms of being a useful diagnostic tool, capable of characterizing muscle health and its development in individuals with cerebral palsy.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Journal of muscle research and cell motility
Vol/bind 41
Udgave nummer 2-3
Sider (fra-til) 211-219
Antal sider 9
ISSN 0142-4319
Status Udgivet - sep. 2020

Multimodal fusion with deep neural networks for leveraging CT imaging and electronic health record: a case-study in pulmonary embolism detection

Huang, S.-C., Pareek, A., Zamanian, R., Banerjee, I. & Lungren, M. P., 17 dec. 2020, I: Scientific Reports. 10, 1, s. 22147

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Municipality-based pragmatic rehabilitation stratified in accordance with individual needs-results from a longitudinal survey study

Rossen, S., Trier, K., Christensen, B., Eriksen, M. A., Zwisler, A-D. & Vibe-Petersen, J., apr. 2020, I: Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer. 28, 4, s. 1951-1961 11 s.

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Muscle function assessed by the non-invasive method acoustic myography (AMG) in a Danish group of healthy adults

Bartels, E. M., Olsen, J. K., Andersen, E. L., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B., Bliddal, H., Kristensen, L. E. & Harrison, A. P., jun. 2020, I: Current research in physiology. 2, s. 22-29 8 s.

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Acoustic myography (AMG) is a non-invasive method to assess muscle function during daily activities. AMG has great scope for assessment of musculoskeletal problems. The aim of this study was to create an AMG data set for general clinical use and relate these findings to age and gender. 10 healthy subjects (5 men/5 women), in each decade from 20 to 69 years of age (n = 50), were assessed. Their clinical health was tested. AMG measurements were carried out on muscles involved in defined movements of the upper and lower extremities. Muscle performance was measured using efficiency (E-score) and fibre recruitment (temporal (T-score) and spatial (S-score) summation). AMG-measurements showed good reproducibility. In each age group, it was found that for all those daily living skills measured, there was no gender difference. A walking and stair climbing test revealed that both legs are used equally and in a balanced way in healthy subjects. Moreover, there was no change in this function with increasing age up to 69 years. However, a cycling test with loading revealed that in elderly subjects the coordination of muscle use is impaired compared to that of the younger adults. Finally, a flexion test of the arm revealed an age-related decrease in the efficiency/coordination of m.Biceps alone, and a keyboard writing test suggests no effect on m.Trapezius. This reference data set now illustrates the reproducibility and ease of use of acoustic myography in the clinic and provides a means of assessing individuals with musculoskeletal problems.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Current research in physiology
Vol/bind 2
Sider (fra-til) 22-29
Antal sider 8
ISSN 2665-9441
Status Udgivet - jun. 2020

Bibliografisk note

© 2020 The Author(s).
