Published in 2021

Quantifying the bone marrow composition of the healthy adult wrist with dual-energy CT

Müller, F. C., Gosvig, K. K., Mikkel, Ø., Bjarne, R., Rodell, A., Henrik, B., Krauss, B., Gade, J. S. & Boesen, M., jun. 2021, I: European Journal of Radiology. 139, s. 1-8 8 s., 109725.

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Purpose: Purpose of this study was to investigate Dual-energy CT (DECT) derived virtual non-calcium (VNCa) values for absolute quantification of the bone marrow composition in the wrist. Materials and Methods: We prospectively included consecutive adult participants and examined their wrists with DECT. Ranges of VNCa and calcium values were measured in the carpal bones, radius and ulna using a semi-automatic method. Bones with bone marrow edema, assessed by two blinded radiologists, were excluded. After determining optimum parameters for the three-material decomposition, the influence of calcium values, age and sex on VNCa values was assessed using multiple linear regression. Results: 41 participants (Median age 53 years, range 20 years – 88 years, 51 % men) were enrolled and 399 bones assessed. At participant level mean VNCa values were -143 HU (SD 14 HU) using the current parameters for three-material decomposition and -104HU (SD 11 HU) with optimized parameters. There was a strong and significant influence of calcium values on VNCa values with the current parameters (p < 0.001, -0.137 HU
[VNCa] / HU
[Calcium]). With optimized parameters the calcium values and sex were not statistically significant predictors of VNCa values. Age was a significant, but clinically negligible, predictor (p = 0.03, -0.225 HU / year). Conclusions: After optimizing three-material decomposition parameters, calcium values, age and sex do not substantially influence virtual non-calcium values, and DECT may therefore be used for absolute quantification of the bone marrow composition - alleviating the need for reference bones or groups.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Artikelnummer 109725
Tidsskrift European Journal of Radiology
Vol/bind 139
Sider (fra-til) 1-8
Antal sider 8
ISSN 0720-048X
Status Udgivet - jun. 2021

Bibliografisk note

Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Re-examination of species limits in Aspergillus section Flavipedes using advanced species delimitation methods and description of four new species

Sklenář, F., Jurjević, Ž., Houbraken, J., Kolařík, M., Arendrup, M. C., Jørgensen, K. M., Siqueira, J. P. Z., Gené, J., Yaguchi, T., Ezekiel, C. N., Silva Pereira, C. & Hubka, V., jun. 2021, I: Studies in mycology. 99, s. 100120

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Real-life drug persistence in patients with rheumatic diseases treated with CT-P13: a prospective observational cohort study (PERSIST)

Taylor, P. C., Christensen, R., Moosavi, S., Selema, P., Guilatco, R., Fowler, H., Mueller, M., Liau, K. F. & Haraoui, B., 2021, I: Rheumatology Advances in Practice. 5, 2, s. rkab026 rkab026.

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Objective: The aim was to report results from PERSIST, a real-life, observational, prospective cohort study of CT-P13, an infliximab (IFX) biosimilar, for treatment of patients with RA, AS or PsA who were biologic naïve or switched from an IFX reference product (IFX-RP; Remicade).

Methods: Adult patients were recruited during usual care at 38 sites in Europe and Canada and enrolled by their physicians after meeting eligibility criteria according to the country-approved label for CT-P13. Primary outcomes were to determine drug utilization and treatment persistence and to assess safety. Patients were followed for up to 2 years. Data were analysed and reported descriptively.

Results: Of 351 patients enrolled, 334 were included in the analysis (RA, 40.4%; AS, 34.7%; PsA, 24.9%). The safety analysis set comprised all 328 patients treated with CT-P13. The majority (58.2%) of patients received CT-P13 monotherapy, most (72.6%) by dosing every 6 or 8 weeks. The mean treatment persistence was 449.2 days; 62.3% of patients completed 2 years of treatment. In all, 214 treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) were reported in 38.4% of patients. Most TEAEs were of mild or moderate intensity; 13 were severe. The most commonly reported TEAEs were drug ineffective (9.5%) and infusion-related reactions (5.2%). The most frequently reported infection-related TEAEs were upper respiratory tract infections (3.0%), nasopharyngitis (2.1%) and bronchitis (1.5%). No patients experienced tuberculosis.

Conclusion: Drug utilization and treatment persistence with CT-P13 were consistent with historical reports of IFX-RP in this patient population. Safety findings did not identify new concerns for CT-P13 in the treatment of patients with RA, AS or PsA.

Trial registration: NCT02605642.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Artikelnummer rkab026
Tidsskrift Rheumatology Advances in Practice
Vol/bind 5
Udgave nummer 2
Sider (fra-til) rkab026
ISSN 2514-1775
Status Udgivet - 2021

Real-life evidence in ERS clinical practice guidelines: from foes to friends

Fally, M., Nagavci, B., Tonia, T., van den Berge, M., Bush, A., Brightling, C. & Roche, N., aug. 2021, I: The European respiratory journal. 58, 2

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Reference data for hop tests used in pediatric ACL injury rehabilitation: A cross-sectional study of healthy children

Warming, S., Alkjær, T., Herzog, R. B., Lundgaard-Nielsen, M. & Zebis, M. K., sep. 2021, I: Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 31, 9, s. 1832-1839 8 s.

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In rehabilitation, four single-leg hop tests are frequently used for evaluation of ACL-injured children. However, reference values on single-leg hop performance and the corresponding limb symmetry indexes (LSIs) of healthy children younger than 15 years of age are lacking. Thus, the purpose was to describe hop performance and LSIs in healthy Danish children, and to quantify the proportion of participants passing LSI values of ≥85% as well as ≥90%. Healthy children aged 9–15 years were invited to participate in the study. Hop performance (single hop, 6-m timed hop, triple hop, and cross-over hop) was assessed for each leg for each hop test and expressed as absolute, normalized (to body height), and LSI values. Descriptive statistics were applied to calculate mean ±SD for all outcomes within age and gender groups. Further, the 95% reference interval was calculated for each age and gender group. A total of 531 healthy children (52% girls) were included in the study, representing seven age groups (9-15 years). The LSI group means across all participants for the four hop tests ranged between 84 and 95%. Between 70 and 83% of the children had an LSI of ≥85%, while 50 to 65% of the children had an LSI of ≥90%. The present reference material can be used in clinical practice when evaluating hop performance in pediatric ACL patients.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports
Vol/bind 31
Udgave nummer 9
Sider (fra-til) 1832-1839
Antal sider 8
ISSN 0905-7188
Status Udgivet - sep. 2021

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 The Authors. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science In Sports published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this population-based cohort study was to investigate the association between fatigue with disease activity and drug survival in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) receiving their first tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi).

METHODS: Data on patient characteristics, disease activity, and drug survival were obtained from the DANBIO database on all patients with PsA from 2006 through 2015. Information on comorbidities was obtained through linkage with the Danish National Patient Registry.

RESULTS: A total of 880 patients were eligible for analyses. Patients with upper median fatigue scores had statistically significant higher disease activity measures (Disease Activity Score in 28 joints based on C-reactive protein), pain, and Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) scores; tender joint counts; comorbidities (Charlson Comorbidity Index ≥ 2); and current smoking status at baseline compared to patients with lower median fatigue scores (P < 0.05). In the upper median fatigue group, fewer patients achieved American College of Rheumatology (ACR) responses and improvements in visual analog scale (VAS) fatigue compared to patients in the lower median fatigue group. Kaplan-Meier curves showed shorter drug survival in patients in the upper median fatigue group compared with the lower median fatigue group at 6-month follow-up.

CONCLUSION: Fatigue remains a dominating symptom after TNFi treatment, and is associated with higher baseline disease activity, pain, and HAQ scores; more comorbidities; and increased risk of TNFi treatment discontinuation in a cohort of Danish patients with PsA. The agreement between ACR and VAS fatigue responses is weak to moderate, suggesting heterogeneity between experienced fatigue and joint inflammation.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Journal of Rheumatology
Vol/bind 48
Udgave nummer 6
Sider (fra-til) 829-835
Antal sider 7
ISSN 0315-162X
Status Udgivet - jun. 2021

Response to: 'Correspondence on 'Safety and efficacy of faecal microbiota transplantation for active peripheral psoriatic arthritis: an exploratory randomised placebo-controlled trial'' by McGonagle et al

Kragsnaes, M. S., Kjeldsen, J., Horn, H. C., Munk, H. L., Pedersen, J. K., Just, S. A., Ahlquist, P., Davidsen, J. R., Nilsson, A. C., Röttger, R., Kruhøffer, M., Marchesi, J. R., Kristiansen, K., Christensen, R. & Ellingsen, T., 22 jun. 2021, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 220910.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftKommentar/debatForskningpeer review

Originalsprog Engelsk
Artikelnummer 220910
Tidsskrift Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
ISSN 0003-4967
Status E-pub ahead of print - 22 jun. 2021

Risk of depression, suicide and psychosis with hydroxychloroquine treatment for rheumatoid arthritis: a multinational network cohort study

Lane, J. C. E., Weaver, J., Kostka, K., Duarte-Salles, T., Abrahao, M. T. F., Alghoul, H., Alser, O., Alshammari, T. M., Areia, C., Biedermann, P., Banda, J. M., Burn, E., Casajust, P., Fister, K., Hardin, J., Hester, L., Hripcsak, G., Kaas-Hansen, B. S., Khosla, S., Kolovos, S., & 29 flereLynch, K. E., Makadia, R., Mehta, P. P., Morales, D. R., Morgan-Stewart, H., Mosseveld, M., Newby, D., Nyberg, F., Ostropolets, A., Woong Park, R., Prats-Uribe, A., Rao, G. A., Reich, C., Rijnbeek, P., Sena, A. G., Shoaibi, A., Spotnitz, M., Subbian, V., Suchard, M. A., Vizcaya, D., Wen, H., Wilde, M. D., Xie, J., You, S. C., Zhang, L., Lovestone, S., Ryan, P., Prieto-Alhambra, D. & OHDSI-COVID-19 consortium, 1 jul. 2021, I: Rheumatology (Oxford, England). 60, 7, s. 3222-3234 13 s.

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Risk of Haemophilus Influenzae Infection in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Using Inhaled Corticosteroids: A Cohort Study of 23,789 Outpatients

Mohsin, R. U., Sivapalan, P., Eklöf, J., Saeed, M. I., Ingebrigtsen, T. S., Poulsen, S. D., Harboe, Z. B., Iversen, K. K., Bangsborg, J., Jarløv, J. O., Boel, J. B. B., Andersen, C. Ø., Calum, H. P., Dessau, R. & Jensen, J-U. S., 5 sep. 2021, I: Eur Respir J. 58, suppl 65, s. PA2412

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt i tidsskriftForskningpeer review

Risk of harm in synthetic and biological intervention trials in patients with inflammatory arthritis: protocol for a metaepidemiological study focusing on contextual factors

Malm, E., Nielsen, S. M., Berg, J., Ioannidis, J. P. A., Furst, D., Smolen, J. S., Taylor, P. C., Kristensen, L. E., Tarp, S., Ellingsen, T. & Christensen, R., 6 sep. 2021, I: BMJ Open. 11, 9, s. e049850 e049850.

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INTRODUCTION: Inflammatory arthritis (IA) conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis, are characterised by inflammatory infiltration of the joints. Biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) and targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (tsDMARDs), respectively, reduce the effects of proinflammatory cytokines and immune cells to ameliorate disease. However, immunosuppression can be associated with high rates of serious adverse events (SAEs), including serious infections, and maybe an increased risk of malignancies and cardiovascular events. Currently, there is no empirical evidence on the extent to which contextual factors and risk of bias (RoB) domains may modify these harm signals in randomised trials.

METHODS AND ANALYSIS: We will search MEDLINE (via PubMed) for systematic reviews published since April 2015 and all Cochrane reviews. From these reviews, randomised trials will be eligible if they include patients with an IA condition with at least one group randomly allocated to bDMARD and/or tsDMARD treatments. A predefined form will be used for extracting data on population characteristics (eg, baseline characteristics or eligibility criteria, such as medication background) and specific harm outcome measures, such as number of withdrawals, numbers of patients discontinuing due to adverse events and number of patients having SAEs. RoB in individual trials will be assessed using a modified Cochrane RoB tool. We will estimate the potentially causal harm effects related to the experimental intervention compared with control comparator as risk ratios, and heterogeneity across randomised comparisons will be assessed statistically and evaluated as inconsistency using the I2 Index. Our metaregression analyses will designate population and trial characteristics and each RoB domain as independent variables, whereas the three harm domains will serve as dependent variables.

ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethics approval is not required for this study. Results will be disseminated through publication in international peer-reviewed journals.


Originalsprog Engelsk
Artikelnummer e049850
Tidsskrift BMJ Open
Vol/bind 11
Udgave nummer 9
Sider (fra-til) e049850
ISSN 2044-6055
Status Udgivet - 6 sep. 2021

Risk of solid cancers overall and by subtypes in patients with psoriatic arthritis treated with TNF inhibitors - a Nordic cohort study

Hellgren, K., Ballegaard, C., Delcoigne, B., Cordtz, R., Nordström, D., Aaltonen, K., Gudbjornsson, B., Love, T. J., Aarrestad Provan, S., Sexton, J., Zobbe, K., Kristensen, L. E., Askling, J. & Dreyer, L., 2 aug. 2021, I: Rheumatology (Oxford, England). 60, 8, s. 3656-3668 13 s.

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OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether TNF inhibitors (TNFi) are associated with increased risk of solid cancer in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA).

METHODS: From the Nordic clinical rheumatology registers (CRR) here: SRQ/ARTIS (Sweden), DANBIO (Denmark), NOR-DMARD (Norway), ROB-FIN (Finland) and ICEBIO (Iceland) we identified PsA patients who started a first TNFi 2001-2017 (n = 9655). We identified patients with PsA not treated with biologics from (i) the CRR (n = 14 809) and (ii) the national patient registers (PR, n = 31 350). By linkage to the national cancer registers, we collected information on incident solid cancer overall and for eight cancer types. We used Cox regression to estimate hazard ratio (HR) with 95% CI of cancer (per country and pooled) in TNFi-exposed vs biologics-naïve, adjusting for age, sex, calendar period, comorbidities and disease activity. We also assessed standardized incidence ratios (SIR) in TNFi-exposed PsA vs the general population (GP).

RESULTS: We identified 296 solid cancers among the TNFi-exposed PsA patients (55 850 person-years); the pooled adjusted HR for solid cancer overall was 1.0 (0.9-1.2) for TNFi-exposed vs biologics-naïve PsA from the CRR, and 0.8 (0.7-1.0) vs biologics-naïve PsA from the PRs. There were no significantly increased risks for any of the cancer types under study. The pooled SIR of solid cancer overall in TNFi treated PsA vs GP was 1.0 (0.9-1.1).

CONCLUSION: In this large cohort study from five Nordic countries, we found no increased risk of solid cancer in TNFi-treated PsA patients, neither for solid cancer overall nor for eight common cancer types.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Rheumatology (Oxford, England)
Vol/bind 60
Udgave nummer 8
Sider (fra-til) 3656-3668
Antal sider 13
ISSN 1462-0324
Status Udgivet - 2 aug. 2021

Safety and efficacy of faecal microbiota transplantation for active peripheral psoriatic arthritis: an exploratory randomised placebo-controlled trial

Kragsnaes, M. S., Kjeldsen, J., Horn, H. C., Munk, H. L., Pedersen, J. K., Just, S. A., Ahlquist, P., Pedersen, F. M., de Wit, M., Möller, S., Andersen, V., Kristiansen, K., Kinggaard Holm, D., Holt, H. M., Christensen, R. & Ellingsen, T., sep. 2021, I: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 80, 9, s. 1158-1167 10 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review

OBJECTIVES: Although causality remains to be established, targeting dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiota by faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has been proposed as a novel treatment for inflammatory diseases. In this exploratory, proof-of-concept study, we evaluated the safety and efficacy of FMT in psoriatic arthritis (PsA).

METHODS: In this double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled, superiority trial, we randomly allocated (1:1) adults with active peripheral PsA (≥3 swollen joints) despite ongoing treatment with methotrexate to one gastroscopic-guided FMT or sham transplantation into the duodenum. Safety was monitored throughout the trial. The primary efficacy endpoint was the proportion of participants experiencing treatment failure (ie, needing treatment intensification) through 26 weeks. Key secondary endpoints were change in Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index (HAQ-DI) and American College of Rheumatology (ACR20) response at week 26.

RESULTS: Of 97 screened, 31 (32%) underwent randomisation (15 allocated to FMT) and 30 (97%) completed the 26-week clinical evaluation. No serious adverse events were observed. Treatment failure occurred more frequently in the FMT group than in the sham group (9 (60%) vs 3 (19%); risk ratio, 3.20; 95% CI 1.06 to 9.62; p=0.018). Improvement in HAQ-DI differed between groups (0.07 vs 0.30) by 0.23 points (95% CI 0.02 to 0.44; p=0.031) in favour of sham. There was no difference in the proportion of ACR20 responders between groups (7 of 15 (47%) vs 8 of 16 (50%)).

CONCLUSIONS: In this first preliminary, interventional randomised controlled trial of FMT in immune-mediated arthritis, we did not observe any serious adverse events. Overall, FMT appeared to be inferior to sham in treating active peripheral PsA.


Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Vol/bind 80
Udgave nummer 9
Sider (fra-til) 1158-1167
Antal sider 10
ISSN 0003-4967
Status Udgivet - sep. 2021

Secondary prevention through comprehensive cardiovascular rehabilitation: From knowledge to implementation. 2020 update. A position paper from the Secondary Prevention and Rehabilitation Section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology

Ambrosetti, M., Abreu, A., Corrà, U., Davos, C. H., Hansen, D., Frederix, I., Iliou, M. C., Pedretti, R. F. E., Schmid, J-P., Vigorito, C., Voller, H., Wilhelm, M., Piepoli, M. F., Bjarnason-Wehrens, B., Berger, T., Cohen-Solal, A., Cornelissen, V., Dendale, P., Doehner, W., Gaita, D., & 8 flereGevaert, A. B., Kemps, H., Kraenkel, N., Laukkanen, J., Mendes, M., Niebauer, J., Simonenko, M. & Zwisler, A-D. O., 14 maj 2021, I: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 28, 5, s. 460-495 36 s.

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Secondary Preventive Care for Cardiovascular Diseases in Bangladesh: A National Survey

Alam, S. I., Uddin, J., Khaled, F. I., Hoque, H., Adhikary, D. K., Karim, R., Rashid, M. A., Banerjee, S. K., Taylor, R. S., Zwisler, A-D. O. & Grace, S. L., 30 apr. 2021, I: Global Heart. 16, 1, s. 31

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Serum urate as a proposed surrogate outcome measure in gout trials: From the OMERACT working group

Morillon, M. B., Christensen, R., Singh, J. A., Dalbeth, N., Saag, K., Taylor, W. J., Neogi, T., Kennedy, M. A., Pedersen, B. M., McCarthy, G. M., Shea, B., Diaz-Torne, C., Tedeschi, S. K., Grainger, R., Abhishek, A., Gaffo, A., Nielsen, S. M., Noerup, A., Simon, L. S., Lassere, M., & 3 flereTugwell, P., Stamp, L. K. & Gout Working Group, F. T. O., dec. 2021, I: Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism. 51, 6, s. 1378-1385 8 s.

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewpeer review

Serum urate (SU) is the most common primary efficacy outcome in trials of urate-lowering therapies for gout. Despite this, it is not formally considered a validated surrogate outcome. In this paper we will outline the definitions of biomarkers and surrogate outcome measures, respectively as well as the available frameworks and challenges in the assessment of the validity of serum urate as a surrogate in gout (i.e. a reasonable replacement for gout symptoms).

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism
Vol/bind 51
Udgave nummer 6
Sider (fra-til) 1378-1385
Antal sider 8
ISSN 0049-0172
Status Udgivet - dec. 2021

Bibliografisk note

Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Shift work and incidence of psychiatric disorders: The Danish Nurse Cohort study

Jørgensen, J. T., Rozing, M. P., Westendorp, R. G. J., Hansen, J., Stayner, L. T., Simonsen, M. K. & Andersen, Z. J., jul. 2021, I: Journal of Psychiatric Research. 139, s. 132-138 7 s.

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BACKGROUND: Research on health effects of shift work has especially focused on somatic diseases, such as breast cancer and cardiometabolic disease, while less attention has been given to the association between shift work and mental health.

METHODS: We used information on 19 964 female nurses (≥44 years) from the Danish Nurse Cohort, who reported current work schedule (day, evening, night, or rotating) at recruitment (1993/1999). In 5102 nurses who participated in both cohort waves, we defined persistent night shift work as working night shift in 1993 and 1999. We used Cox regression models to calculate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs), adjusting for relevant confounders. Through linkage of cohort participants to national registers, we defined incidence of mood and neurotic disorders as first hospital contact or redeemed prescription until November 2018.

RESULTS: We found association between night shift work with mood disorders (HR = 1.31; 95%CI = 1.17-1.47) and neurotic disorders (1.29; 1.17-1.42), compared to day work. Associations were enhanced in nurses with persistent night shift work (1.85; 1.43-2.39 and 1.62; 1.26-2.09 for mood and neurotic disorders, respectively) and in nurses with specialist confirmed mood (1.69; 1.24-2.29) and neurotic (1.72; 1.22-2.44) disorders. Nurses with preexisting psychiatric disorders and full-time work seemed most susceptible.

CONCLUSIONS: Night shift work is associated with increased risk of major psychiatric disorders. The novel suggestive findings of vulnerable groups, including nurses with a history of psychiatric disorders and full-time workers, are based on a limited number of cases, and further research is needed to confirm the results.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Journal of Psychiatric Research
Vol/bind 139
Sider (fra-til) 132-138
Antal sider 7
ISSN 0022-3956
Status Udgivet - jul. 2021

Short- and long-term effects of the patient education strategy-learning and coping-in cardiac rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial (LC-REHAB)

Lynggaard, V., Zwisler, A. D., Taylor, R. S., May, O., Mortensen, J. & Nielsen, C. V., 23 mar. 2021, I: Health Education Research. 36, 1, s. 41-60 20 s.

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Similar lipid level changes in early rheumatoid arthritis patients following 1-year treat-to-target strategy with adalimumab plus methotrexate versus placebo plus methotrexate: secondary analyses from the randomised controlled OPERA trial

Mašić, D., Stengaard-Pedersen, K., Løgstrup, B. B., Hørslev-Petersen, K., Hetland, M. L., Junker, P., Østergaard, M., Ammitzbøll, C., Möller, S., Christensen, R. & Ellingsen, T., mar. 2021, I: Rheumatology International. 41, 3, s. 543-549 7 s.

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To compare changes in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and other lipids in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) randomised to a 1-year treat-to-target strategy with either adalimumab plus methotrexate or placebo plus methotrexate. Prespecified secondary analyses from the OPERA trial, where 180 early and treatment-naïve RA patients received methotrexate 20 mg once weekly in combination with either placebo or subcutaneous adalimumab 40 mg every other week. Serum lipid levels were measured at baseline and after 1 year. Changes in lipid levels were analysed using mixed linear models based on the intention-to-treat (ITT) population. Overall, 174 patients were included in the ITT population (adalimumab plus methotrexate n = 86; placebo plus methotrexate n = 88). Differences between changes in lipid levels were low-density lipoprotein cholesterol 0.18 mmol/l [95% CI - 0.05 to 0.42], total cholesterol 0.27 mmol/l [- 0.002 to 0.54], high-density lipoprotein cholesterol 0.05 mmol/l [- 0.06 to 0.15], triglycerides 0.11 mmol/l [- 0.08 to 0.29], very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol 0.03 mmol/l [- 0.05 to 0.12], and non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol 0.22 mmol/l [- 0.02 to 0.46]. In early RA patients treated to tight control of inflammation over a period of 1 year with either adalimumab plus methotrexate or placebo plus methotrexate, changes in lipid levels were similar. Trial registration number: NCT00660647.

Originalsprog Engelsk
Tidsskrift Rheumatology International
Vol/bind 41
Udgave nummer 3
Sider (fra-til) 543-549
Antal sider 7
ISSN 0172-8172
Status Udgivet - mar. 2021

Single troponin measurement to rule-out acute myocardial infarction in early presenters

Andersen, C. F., Bang, C., Lauridsen, K. G., Frederiksen, C. A., Schmidt, M., Jensen, T., Hornung, N. & Løfgren, B., 15 okt. 2021, I: International Journal of Cardiology. 341, s. 15-21 7 s.

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